Chapter Twenty-Five

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I immediately froze at his words, blushing and squirming slightly as a flash of heat raced through me while my eyes tracked his steady progress down his shirt. Each button that came undone revealed more and more of his lightly tanned skin and muscular chest.

The heat settled low in my stomach again and I shifted uncomfortably with a small whimper but my eyes remained focused on his large hands as the last two buttons came undone. I bit my lip but was unable to contain a second whimper as he slowly slid the shirt off to fully reveal his defined torso and muscular arms as another flash of heat ran through me.

He closed his eyes and took a deep inhale before snapping them back open as they glowed a golden-green. Sköll stalked forwards and grabbed my chin, tilting my eyes up to his own. "You liked that didn't you little one?" he smirked as I nodded slowly and he suddenly sat down and pulled me over to straddle his lap. I gasped in surprise as my hands immediately went to his chest and he growled lowly, nuzzling into my neck before kissing me deeply.

He pulled back after a few moments and I saw Maverick had regained control as he smiled down at me. "Can we mark each other?" I asked after a moment and he looked surprised. "Really? You want to accept our bond?" he asked with a wide smile and I nodded. "I think I accepted it a while ago, I just didn't fully realize it." I smiled shyly and he kissed me happily. "You're absolutely sure? There's no going back after this." he murmured as his eyes examined my face and I nodded.

"I'm sure." I murmured, feeling Nyx howling excitedly inside of me as I had not told her I was ready either. I gathered my hair off my neck and pulled it into a quick updo with the band still on my wrist, exposing my neck and shoulder to Maverick as I slowly slid the strap of my tank top down. I smiled as his eyes locked on to the area with a hungry gleam and I nuzzled into his neck.

He pulled back and pressed his lips to mine then, kissing me until we were both panting for air before trailing warm kisses and nibbles along my jaw and down the side of my neck. I moaned lowly as he reached that sweet spot before I returned the favor, kissing down his neck and to the perfect spot as his hands tightened around my hips. I felt my canines grow sharper as they lengthened and felt the prick of his too as he continued to kiss that spot.

At the same moment we both bit down, stiffening slightly and moaning as the bond between us practically doubled and our consciouses merged with ease. This bond was always meant to be and so it did not come with the awful pressure like joining the pack had. The painful bite soon turned to pleasure as our bond quickly settled and Maverick carefully withdrew his teeth before gently cleaning the area with his tongue as I did the same.

They healed over quickly into our mate marks and I sighed with contentment as I snuggled into his chest, feeling his own happiness mirrored back to me. 'You are so perfect.' Maverick's voice suddenly drifted through my mind and I shuddered slightly, this link much more intimate than the one we used before as just pack members. 'I think you're the one thats perfect.' I responded as I glanced up with a small smile and he kissed me sweetly.

"I should let you get some sleep." he finally pulled back and I frowned, not wanting him to go. "Stay with me." I murmured shyly and he looked at me with a small smile. "Really?" he asked and I nodded. "Okay let me just go change real quick." He grabbed his shirt from the floor and hurried across the hall, reappearing a minute later in a pair of sweatpants and still shirtless. I bit my lip and eyed him as he closed the door and walked towards me and he winked with a small smirk. "Come on angel, let's get some sleep."

We slid beneath the covers and I curled into his side happily as he slid an arm around me and kissed my forehead. "Goodnight beautiful." he murmured and I yawned before snuggling into his chest and drifting into the best sleep of my life.

The next morning I woke to Maverick lightly stroking my hair as I was still snuggled into his chest. A light knock came at the door and I cracked an eye to see Marie poke her head in and smile brightly at us. "Oh sorry sweetheart." she spoke quietly and I could practically feel Maverick's smile. "We're clothed don't worry, we didn't complete the bond." he chuckled lightly and she smiled. "But?"

"But we did mark each other." I felt a strong sense of joy flow from him to me and I yawned with a tired whimper as I nuzzled him. "I'm so happy for you both, breakfast is ready if you want some." she said before quietly closing the door. "Good morning angel." he murmured as he kissed my hair and I smiled sleepily up at him before nuzzling into his neck.

I pressed a kiss to his mark and he growled lowly, making me pause and glance up with a small smile. "Don't do that unless you are ready to complete the bond angel." he finally murmured and I blushed lightly. "Does it affect you that much?" I asked curiously as I sat up and he smirked, sweeping my hair off my neck and leaning forward to place a kiss on my mark like I had done to him.

I immediately stiffened as it felt like a wave of tingling heat slammed into me and settled straight between my hips. I whimpered as I clutched on to his chest and stared at him with wide eyes as he grinned. "Got it." I finally said with a small shudder and he laughed and pressed a kiss to my lips before standing and padding into my bathroom where I heard the shower cut on.

He reappeared a moment later and pulled the covers away, smiling at my whine of protest before he bent and gathered me into his arms. I snuggled into his chest immediately and he chuckled as he kissed my hair and headed into the bathroom. He set me on my feet and kissed me once more before stepping away. "Get a shower and get ready, I'm going to take you to explore the town today."

"Really?" I smiled and he nodded. "Yep and our friends are coming too. I'll wait for you in the hall." he smiled before stepping out and closing the door. I turned to look at the now steaming shower and felt a rush of warmth and happiness run through me that was unlike anything I had ever felt before. 'We are so lucky.' I thought to Nyx with a bright smile and she quickly agreed. 'Yes we certainly are.'

I washed my hair and body quickly before carefully brushing my hair and applying my usual two products for waves and heat protection before steadily drying it all out with the hair dryer and diffuser. I applied a bit of concealer and powder like Isabelle had shown me plus mascara and a tinted lip oil before padding out to my closet.

I quickly dressed in black undergarments, black high waisted distressed shorts and a black tee shirt with a horror movie graphic before grabbing a pair of black socks and black and white high top sneakers. I sat on my bed and quickly pulled them on and then reached out to Maverick through our link as I headed for my door. 'I'm ready.'

'I'm waiting for you.' he responded and I smiled as I opened my door to see him leaning on the wall next to his. He was dressed in a white tee and dark wash jeans with brown boots and looked amazing, making me bite my lip with a small smile as he winked at me. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you, you look very handsome." I smiled and he gave me a quick kiss before linking our fingers together and pulling me down the hall. "The others should be waiting by the door, we are going to grab breakfast at the cafe."

We headed down the stairs to where everyone was waiting and greeted each other with bright smiles before heading out the door.


A/N: Hope you are all enjoying the story so far! Don't forget to vote and comment if you are!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18 ⏰

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