Chapter Fifteen

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The room was spacious with double doors leading out on to a balcony that had a view of the entire backyard. A large king-sized bed was pushed against one wall with a white and forest green bedspread.

Light wooden furniture decorated the rest of the space and the soothing forest green walls were broken up by two white doors. Marie opened one to reveal a spacious bathroom decorated with white marble and light wood accents that she gestured for me to enter.

I padded inside, nails clicking over the marble floor as I gazed at my seemingly expensive surroundings: there was a large walk-in shower in one corner that looked to have multiple shower heads in it with what she called a jacuzzi tub right next to it that seemed nearly big enough to hold my wolf form.

The counter of light wood with a white marble top had a large mirror and plenty of lighting above it and two porcelain sinks with fancy silver spouts and handles; even the toilet looked to be made of a fancy porcelain with elegant detailing and a polished silver handle.

"There are different scented soaps for everything you need in the cabinet here," Marie said while opening a tall but skinny light wooden cabinet between the tub and shower to reveal all kinds of bottles. "Go ahead and pick what you like and have a shower, we will wait for you out here."

She closed the door and I took a deep breath, concentrating and shifting back into my human form. Once it was finally over I looked in the mirror with wonder, realizing that I had never really seen what I looked like after all this time and was shocked at how I looked as a teen instead of a small child.

I touched my face with surprise, examining my features with wonder. My eyes that I always thought were too small were beautifully shaped now, hooded with a slight slant and long dark lashes that gave my grey eyes an almost mysterious look. High cheekbones, slim and straight nose and full, heart-shaped lips with arched brows completed by a small smile of wonder as I realized I looked just as pretty as the rest of the shifter females I had been watching curiously over the past few days. I appeared tall and visibly lean and muscular just like a wild wolf and I turned sideways, my brows raising in surprise as I examined my hair.

It was much longer than I realized, falling down my back and past my waist in tangled waves that shone like onyx under the bright lights. After a bit more staring I finally snapped out of it, going to the shower and looking at it for a few moments before turning and slipping on the tee shirt and peeking my head out of the bathroom.

Marie smiled at me instantly, her eyes softening as she took in my human form. "Oh my gosh she's so pretty, Mav is gonna die!" Leah giggled as she and Isabelle stepped closer and I blushed shyly. "Do you need something sweetheart?" Marie asked while shushing and pushing them away and I nodded.

"I don't-" I paused, clearing my throat with a wince at the sound of my raspy voice. "Know how to use the shower." I blushed again with embarrassment and Marie smiled kindly. "Don't worry dear, its confusing for everyone at first." she assured me comfortingly as she stepped into the bathroom and quickly showed me how it worked before stepping out again and closing the door behind her.

I examined the cabinet from before, smelling the different types before deciding on the soft vanilla and floral scent that reminded me of my favorite tundra flowers and pulled out the shampoo, conditioner and body wash. I eyed the remaining products of the same scent with curiosity but decided to stick to the basics I remembered for now and padded over to the steaming shower.

I removed the shirt and stepped under the hot spray, sighing with relief as I forgot how nice a hot shower felt after so many years of rinsing my coat in an ice cold river. I quickly washed my hair and body, scrubbing thoroughly and enjoying the scents of the soaps I had picked before finally stepping out and drying off with a fluffy white towel.

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