Chapter Thirteen

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My mate plunged into the freezing water and crossed quickly before pausing at the edge with a hopeful look towards me as he did every time he left. After a few moments I took a few steps towards him, feeling myself relax a bit as his tail wagged happily and I plunged into the river.

Once across he nuzzled my cheek affectionately and then led me towards the trees, nudging a pile of clothes in my direction. I whined uncertainly and he whined pleadingly in return, nuzzling my neck comfortingly.

I returned the affection but stepped away from the clothes and shook out my coat, knowing he would be taking me to see his pack and preferred to remain in my wolf form for now. He whined again but stepped away with a pair of shorts in his mouth and I heard the tell-tale sounds of him shifting forms.

He reappeared after a few moments and my jaw nearly dropped; he was gorgeous. His hair shone a dark red, shaved short on the sides and he pulled it back into a messy updo, exposing the few braids throughout and a dark reddish-brown short beard covered his angular jawline.

His green eyes shone like emeralds framed by dark lashes and his plump pink lips were curved into a bright smile as he looked at me. His lightly tanned skin complimented him perfectly and his large, well-defined muscles flexed as he brushed past a tree and moved towards me clad only in a pair of tan shorts.

"Hey, I don't know if you remember me but my name is Maverick." his deep voice greeted me a bit softly, seemingly trying not to spook me. I immediately fully recognized him now, my tail wagging happily as I was glad to know I had indeed saved him from the feral wolf many seasons ago.

I noted then the four dark claws marks arcing from his right shoulder down to his left ribs, the scars giving him a fierce edge along with three much smaller and lighter lines that arced down his left cheek into his beard. I moved forwards and sniffed at these scars with a whine, wagging my tail as he smiled and laid a hand on my neck.

"So you do remember," he laughed and I felt happiness surge through me at the warm sound, leaning further into his touch. "You saved my life that night."

I nuzzled into his chest with another whine, tail wagging furiously as he chuckled and ran both hands through my fur. "You ready to go to the pack house? My father says he would love to see you again. And you don't have to shift if you don't want to, we can do this at your pace."

I stepped back and dipped my head once, feeling happy that he seemed completely at ease with me remaining in my wolf form. "Great let's go." he smiled and set off through the trees, keeping a warm hand on my shoulder as we walked.

I heard heavy paw steps approaching from ahead and I paused, feeling nervous again. A large dark brown and black wolf, Ryan I recalled, soon appeared. His brown eyes assessed me curiously and I wagged my tail, keeping my posture relaxed and friendly. He returned the gesture before glancing to my mate who smiled.

"Ryan, you know Cassandra. Cassandra, this is my future Head Enforcer Ryan and one of my best friends. I think you saved his tail once too." Maverick said with a chuckle and Ryan bared his teeth with a growl but I could see the amusement in his eyes as his tail wagged again.

"It might be easier if you shift back." Maverick stated and Ryan dipped his head to him respectfully before disappearing into the trees. Soon after he returned in human form clad in a pair of shorts and was tugging a tee shirt over his head.

His skin was deeply tanned and matched well with his dark brown hair and serious brown eyes. "Nice to formally meet you Cassandra. And it's good to finally have you back Mav." he spoke, bowing his head to me and my eyebrows shot up in surprise as he treated me as an alpha.

I shook out my coat nervously as I fidgeted and Maverick smiled at me. "Don't be nervous, he might seem like a tough guy but he's a total marshmallow." my mate spoke with a wink and I could see Ryan's eyes roll but he gave a slight smile. I agreed he was definitely tough as I recalled the first time we met when he nearly attacked me for trespassing, and then the second time as he stood against three feral wolves while seriously injured.

"Good thing I didn't land my attack that time you crossed our border." Ryan joked with a small smile and Maverick looked at him sharply with a low growl. Ryan quickly held his hands up and backed off a bit and I skittered a few steps to the side as well.

"I didn't know she was your mate then man sorry, it was right after I got my wolf and a while before you saw her." he explained quickly and Maverick took a few deep breaths before looking to me with a soft smile again as he noticed my nervous stance.

"Sorry, I just don't like the thought of you being hurt." he murmured and I felt my heart flutter a bit as Nyx perked up as well. "Come on, we should get to the pack house."

He led me through the forest with Ryan close behind and it wasn't long before I caught multiple new scents ahead. I pressed into Maverick's side a bit more now, feeling my nerves rise as we approached a huge house, no, more like a mansion ahead.

I spotted a man and woman on the porch along with two girls and a boy probably only a bit younger than me. "Cassandra this is Andrew, Marie, Leah, Isabelle and Josh, my parents and siblings. Guys, this is my mate Cassandra." Maverick spoke as he gestured to them in turn with their names and I could sense the happiness in his words. I watched them nervously, wagging my tail as I recognized Andrew, the alpha and committed the sight and scents of the rest to memory with their names.

"It's nice to see you again Cassandra, I'm glad you finally decided to come and see our pack." he spoke with a warm smile and I lowered my head and tail in respect with a whine. "I'm so glad to finally meet you dear, welcome to the family." Marie spoke with a bright smile as she suddenly stepped forwards.

I automatically skipped back a few steps with an unsure whine, watching her carefully with wide eyes and she paused in surprise. Andrew pulled her back by the hand and they locked eyes for a few moments before looking back to me and I felt embarrassed again as I looked to the ground and lowered my tail submissively.

"No need to worry dear. I am just going to squeeze my son a bit!" Marie reassured me with a laugh as Maverick stepped forwards to her side instead and they embraced each other tightly. Leah, Isabelle and Josh all greeted me warmly as well before moved around the side of the mansion and into the large backyard there.

I could hear Andrew ordering everyone to stay back and leave us be for now in a low tone as he walked ahead and shooed away curious pack members, smiling back at us as they all settled onto cozy looking outdoor furniture beneath a large balcony.

I sat in the grass just near them and Maverick sat at my side, content to run his fingers through my coat as he chatted with his family. "We are happy to have you back son, and that Cassandra has come with you." the alpha smiled and Maverick returned it.

"So am I, though I have to admit living as a wild wolf for a few weeks was an incredible experience. I can see why Cassandra is unsure about leaving them." my mate spoke and his brother leaned forward with interest.

"What was it like? Did you really just sleep outside and catch all your food?" he asked eagerly and Maverick laughed. "Yes but it was not as dire as you make it sound. Honestly I felt much closer to my wolf than ever, and learning from our wild cousins was truly eye opening."

My tail thumped on the ground, glad he had enjoyed time with my pack so much and he smiled and I nuzzled his arm. After listening to Maverick and his family chat back and forth for a while I was truly beginning to relax when a sudden girly squeal pierced my ears and a soft-scented human form flew past me to land on my mate with a laugh as she called his name.

I skittered back a few steps in surprise before Nyx suddenly came forwards as we eyed the girl hugging our mate. A sudden wave of rage and jealousy flooded through us both and I snarled lowly, crouching as I prepared to leap.


A/N: Hope you are all enjoying the story so far!

P.S. Thank you to Mrs36Angel for the kind comments and support!:)

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