Chapter One

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I stumbled through the trees unsurely, my new senses nearly overwhelming me as my gaze darted to every flickering shadow and I was highly aware of the strange sensation of my ears constantly twitching and rotating at every little sound.

I suddenly tripped over a large tree root and sprawled out of the tree line and on to the open tundra with a surprised yelp and paused, finally gazing down at myself again. I yelped again as I realized I was on all fours, stumbling on what looked like paws and trying to figure out why I was covered in fur.

The fear took hold again and I started clumsily running into the field ahead, a strange rushing sound ahead making my ears twitch again before I suddenly tripped and tumbled into the cold river. I yelped again as leaped back towards the dry land, thankful the water had not been too deep.

I collapsed in the tall grass and lay there panting for a few moments before finally gathering the courage to stand and look around. I was almost in awe at what I saw: rolling hills of grass stretching as far as I could see with this large crystal clear river in front of me winding lazily throughout it.

I padded over and stood at the edge of the water, staring in shock at what I saw; there was a young wolf pup in the reflection; its dark grey fur was with marked with black on its face, ears, back and tail while cream colored fur detailed its underbelly, cheeks and snout and its silvery eyes were wide with shock.

'Is this really me?' I stared in shock, cocking my head to the side and flinching as the reflection did the same. 'Yes that is our reflection.' a soft voice spoke and I yelped slightly, whirling around and freezing when I saw no one. 'Am I going crazy?' I questioned myself and heard a soft chuckle.

'You are perfectly sane little one.' the voice spoke again and I whined slightly. 'Who are you? Why can you hear my thoughts? Do you know what is happening to me? Can you help me?' I asked rapidly, pausing when a warm feeling surged through me.

'Hush little one, calm down. And yes I know what is happening and I can help you if you remain calm.' the voice spoke, the warm feeling drifting through me again with the words and I felt truly safe for the first time in years. 'Okay I'm calm. Now can you please explain?'

'First go back to the trees please little one, it's not safe for you to be out in the open like this until you grow bigger and can protect yourself.'

I quickly obliged, jogging towards the trees again, feeling much more at ease with four legs now that I was calm and not paying such close attention. I went a few yards in before squeezing underneath the large roots of a giant tree, feeling much safer than before.

'Okay I'm ready!' I spoke eagerly and heard a slight chuff noise almost like a chuckle.

'Okay I will start with what you, or we, are since you seem so shocked. You are what is called a wolf shifter, which is human-like supernatural being that is able to take on the form of a wolf at will. Your wolf is part of you, part of your soul if you will; I am your wolf half and you may call me Nyx. So yes, I can hear your thoughts because I am a part of you just as you are a part of me and can hear my thoughts as well as share our emotions.'

'Wow . . . So this is all real?' I asked, still in a bit of shock. 'Yes little one, this is all very real. I must ask, where are your parents? They should have been the ones to teach you all of this.' Nyx asked with a gentle tone and I whined softly.

'I was told they died in a fire shortly after I was born. I have lived in orphanages and foster care since I can remember.' I spoke sadly and felt another wave of sadness hit me, realizing it must be Nyx's emotion. 'I'm sorry little one, I did not mean to make you upset.' she apologized and I just laid my head down on my paws.

'It's okay, you didn't know. Anyways its always been like this, I'm used to it.' I shrugged and we were quiet for a few moments. 'There is one more thing I need to ask you though.' Nyx spoke and my ears pricked expectantly. 'Yes?'

'Well most shifters don't get their wolves until they are of age at around seventeen to eighteen years old. It takes a lot to trigger a shift earlier than that, especially at only ten years old. So I guess I am asking why you are in the middle of the woods and under so much pressure to be able to shift this early?' she spoke softly and I stiffened with another whine as memories invaded my mind unwillingly.

'I was finally adopted almost a week ago by what seemed like an amazing couple. But the man Hal,' I paused and shuddered, remembering his cruel, dark eyes and evil smile. 'He hit me and tried to do things to hurt me. His wife Carol just ignored it and wouldn't believe me. So I ran away this morning and I have been traveling through the woods all day and evening to get away and had just stopped to rest when I heard wolves howling not that far away. I was already so scared and hurt from running all day that I just knew they would find me and eat me so I started to freak out and then this happened.'

'Fear and stress are strong triggers for shifting so I am not surprised that it happened. But I am glad, now you will never have to be alone again.' Nyx spoke softly and I felt soothing emotions surge through me at her comforting words. 'Thank you.' I whispered, feeling my eyes sting slightly.

'Also wild wolves generally are very taken with our kind and they would not have harmed you. I'm sure they caught your scent and were curious and called to you.' Nyx added and I felt myself fully relax. 'Thank goodness. I was so worried.' I breathed out and she chuckled.

'Actually it would probably be a good idea for you to find this pack. They could help you in adapting to your new form and I am sure that they would keep you safe. Wolves love pups, especially at your size.' Nyx chuckled and I perked up a bit. 'Really? You think they would help me?'

'Oh yes, I am sure they would allow you into the pack if you found them.' Nyx assured me. 'How could I find them though?' I asked when howls suddenly split the air. They were even closer than before and I felt my fur prickle in anticipation.

'I believe they have found you.' Nyx chuckled and I slowly crept from my hiding place, gazing around cautiously. 'Use your ears and your nose.' she whispered, helping me to concentrate and I zeroed in on the sound of paws whispering over the ground towards me at a quick but light pace only a few yards away.

I watched as two wolves slowly appeared, sliding silently from between the trees and bushes like shadows, watching me curiously. 'Would you mind if I take control for a moment? I can teach you how to interact with them.' Nyx asked and I just agreed. 'Yea sure.'

It was a strange sensation, being pushed to the backseat of my own mind as my body moved without my say-so but I tried to just focus on what was happening and hoped that Nyx was doing the right thing.


Hope you're enjoying the story so far!

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