Chapter Twenty-Two

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I gazed around noticing his layout was similar to my own but his walls and bedding were a dark blue with dark oak furniture and he had a large couch in the corner with a TV hanging above a fireplace there instead of balcony doors. The door to his bathroom was cracked open and revealed dark grey and black marble floors and countertops with dark oak cabinets and grey walls.

He led me over to the dark grey couch with black and white pillows and I snuggled into the soft cushion happily as I gazed over the dark oak coffee table covered with different types of finger foods and snacks. "I figured we could have a snack and maybe talk about what happened this morning?" Maverick smiled lightly but I saw the underlying worry in his eyes and whined softly as I curled up against him.

"I'm sorry if I worried you, I just could not sleep the night before and my paws carried me out to my pack like I just knew that they needed me." I murmured and he frowned, running his thumb over my cheekbone gently. "What happened?"

"Star, the alpha female, passed away in her sleep some time before I got there and the pack was devastated of course. I spent a while soothing everyone and getting them to sleep and ended up falling asleep. When I woke up Apollo had disappeared and would not return so the pack was very unsure until Atlas, one of his two year old sons, decided to take charge," I smiled sadly as I thought of him and then Hades. "By the time I left though he was whipping the pack into shape with his brother becoming his beta and a strong female chasing him around so I am sure that they will be okay."

"I'm sorry about Star and Apollo, I know how much you care for them." he murmured as he kissed my hair and I smiled slightly. "That is just how it works in the wild, I accepted it many years ago."

"You looked a bit sad speaking of Atlas though, why?"

"He looks just like his great-grandfather Hades, the alpha that adopted me into his pack so many years ago and cared for me. I guess he was almost like a father to me as I was so young when I first joined them."

"That makes sense. I'm also sensing a theme with some of these names." he said with a small grin and I smiled widely. "Yea when I was young I loved to read! It was the best thing that passed the time as none of the other kids would play with me, so I was often had my nose in a book. I loved to learn and was reading books ahead of my years and one of my favorites was one that told the stories of Greek mythology and all the gods and goddesses. I just always found it so interesting."

"I'm not surprised. As wolf shifters we tend to develop much faster physically, mentally and emotionally than the humans do at our age so we can be seen as ahead of our years when surrounded by them as pups."

"That makes sense. I always felt like I was older than the others and of course shunned for being weird in their eyes."

"Human children can be cruel indeed," he muttered before lifting my hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it. "Would you like it if I showed you our library in a bit? I'm sure you will like it, and you can take as many books as you want back to your room to read and return them whenever." he said and I nodded quickly. "I would love that!" I smiled brightly and blushed when he pressed a soft kiss to my lips. "Perfect. Lets eat real quick then and I will take you there."

We spent the next thirty minutes or so chatting and laughing as we devoured the snacks and then he took my hand in his and led me downstairs and through a few halls before coming to a stop in front of large double doors. He slowly opened them wide and I gasped with wonder at the incredible sight of books lined floor to ceiling everywhere I could see, rolling ladders attached to each wall and there was even a staircase leading up to a second floor with many more shelves on display.

"My father needs me for some pack business so I need to go for a bit but you can stay as long as you want and I will find you once its dinnertime." Maverick spoke behind me and I turned with a smile. "Okay sounds good." I said and kissed his cheek and he grinned before heading out.

I wandered through the shelves and gazed around in wonder, realizing that the library extended out to the sides as well and was even more massive than I first thought. "Hello dear, can I help you find anything?" a soft and kind voice spoke to my right and I glanced to see an elderly female with grey hair and wrinkles with a warm smile that made me instantly smile back.

"Maybe? I have no idea where to start." I said and she chuckled. "Yes the library can be a bit overwhelming the first time you see it. Do you know what genre you might be interested in?"

"She needs some romance books Mary." a familiar voice spoke behind me and I turned to see Isabelle grinning at me. "Yep and maybe even some science type books for research." Leah winked and I blushed. "Research?" I squeaked and they giggled as they stepped forwards to either side of me and linked their arms with mine. "Yes, research. We figured you might need some girl help." Isabelle smiled and I finally nodded with a shy one of my own.

"That might be a good idea." I finally said and they grinned. "Ooo did something happen between you two?" Leah asked and I nodded with another blush. "We kissed today," I murmured and giggled when they squealed excitedly. "But I have never felt or done anything like this before so I am pretty confused." I admitted and they nodded as they pulled me to follow behind Mary.

"I'm sure! Mom told us that you shifted when you were ten and have been living in the wild ever since." Isabelle nodded and Mary gasped in surprise as she looked back at us. "Really? Oh you poor dear." she patted my hand comfortingly and I smiled. "Its okay, the wild was a better home than any I had before. But obviously I lived as a wolf, so this human stuff is really confusing to me." I murmured and she nodded before turning and heading down the shelves. "Don't you worry dear, I know just what you should read."

By the time I finally left she had given me five different books that were more scientific and she said would be able to explain things to me on a base level while Leah and Isabelle had piled about ten different romance books on top and assuring me that they all had varying levels of "spice" and plenty of variety so I could see what I was interested in and what I didn't like. I blushed brightly as they pushed me along to my room with my arms full and promised to see me at dinner before giggling as they headed away.

I padded over and placed most the books into the deep drawer of my bedside table, keeping out two of the ones Mary had recommended. "Anatomy 101" looked interesting and "The Art of Lovemaking" made my cheeks blush so I flipped through the one about anatomy first, feeling eager as my love for learning immediately rose. It was full of facts and descriptions along with many illustrations but it was rather thin and I finished it quickly before moving on to the other one.

I soon realized the book seemed to be written by a woman as it focused on intimate knowledge and tips, explaining things about a woman's body and how it reacts and what apparently feels good. I was so engrossed that I hardly noticed when a knock sounded on my door and I called for the person to enter. I turned another page, tilting my head curiously as the author explained female pleasure and the actual act of lovemaking with an illustration of a couple in the act to the side.

A throat being cleared suddenly grabbed my attention and I looked up to see Maverick standing over me with a small smile and raised brows.


A/N: Hope you are enjoying the story so far! Don't forget to vote and comment if you are!

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