11. we're trapped, it's over

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Kai landed at Whitmore Airport a few hours later, him and Aurora both climbed out the plane. "Any idea how we get back to the Salvatore house? Cause it's a few hours away" Aurora questions him, they left the car in Portland, so they were basically stranded. "Duh, we hot wire a car, have you learnt nothing while being here?" he asked her, she rolls her eyes, "No, because I stayed in Mystic Falls for 4 months, we didn't exactly adventure anywhere" she told him.

"Right, I forget you don't know how to have fun" he mentioned again, she scoffed, "I know how to have fun" she told him, "Whatever helps you sleep at night, Rora" he says approaching a car that fortunately had the window down, so Kai was able to get in without breaking the window. Aurora followed behind him and watched as he sat inside the car and attempted to hot wire the car.

"This is illegal" Aurora told him, he softly scoffed, "Yeah, in the real world, in case you didn't know princess, this isn't the real world, there is no rules" he says not looking at her as he continues to attempt to hot wire the car, "How do you even know how to hot wire a car?" she asks stupidly, he chuckles at her question, "In high school, me and some other kids did it all the time to the rich kids in town" he told her laughing at the memory.

"I thought you said you didn't have friends?" she questioned, "I don't, I never said they were my friends, we just all loved to annoy the rich kids, breaking into their cars and everything, we got caught, but we didn't care, it was actually fun" he confessed, but then cleared his throat, "But yeah, learnt from that" he added awkwardly, "Got me some street cred with the girls though" he smirked glancing over at Aurora who only rolled her eyes in response.

"Oh yeah, I bet you were a real ladies man" she commented sarcastically, "You bet, I had every girl lining up at my doorstep" he gawked, Aurora rolled her eyes again, Kai noticed this and smirked and her reaction, "No need to be jealous Rory, if you wanna kiss me just ask" he told her. Aurora's face turned to disgust, sure she knew he was hot and yeah maybe she would kiss him, but the whole sociopath and killing his family thing was a huge turnoff.

"Yeah, no, I would never kiss you" she commented, "Everyone wants to kiss me, even you, just admit it" he bragged, "I was raised to not lie, admitting that would mean I'm lying" she said shrugging her shoulders, "Oh come on, Rora" he grinned, "The first stage is denial" he added, Aurora sighed, "I would never kiss you, not even it I could win money out of it, not if we were the last two people on earth and kissing meant it would bring the population back, not even if-" she goes on and on but is cut off by him.

"What if the only way out this prison world was to kiss? Then would you kiss me?" he questioned, grinning at her, Aurora's checks turned slightly red, she didn't know how to answer, how do you reply to that? "If there was no other way out, and we were 100% sure of there being no other way out, and me kissing you meant we'd get out, then yes I'd kiss you, I'd do anything to get out of here, even if it meant kissing you" she admits, which only made the grin on his face increase.

"I knew you'd want to kiss me" he smirked, "No, you- actually why are we having this conversation? Why do you even care about me wanting to kiss you or not? You don't care about anything" Aurora told him, he shrugged his shoulders, "I'm incapable of feeling anything Rory but that doesn't mean I'm blind, you're hot and literally the first female interaction I've had in 18 years" he told her, Aurora dragged her hand down her face, "So you basically just want attention, perfect" she mumbles, "I think I'll walk back" she says turning her back on him.

"No need" he says as the roar of the car's engine starting goes, "Hop in" he says, she crosses her arms, "I'd rather walk to be honest" she commented, Kai scoffs, "Rory, it's already a few hours of driving, walking will take 3 times as long, and I wanna go home, so don't make me knock you out again and force you to get inside this car" he threatens, his face dropping.

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