To Berkeley

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Me and Jimmy we started to walk for go to Berkeley with no problems.
The streets were very ruined and it was very hard to walk.
I didn't know where we go and I would go back to Suburbia for be fine.
"Jimmy, do you know where we are right now?" I said.
"Yes.This is one of the streets for go quickly to Berkeley." He said.
"Ok.I hope it's the right street." I said.
"Don't worry. We are in the right street." he said.
We continued to walk and we met again St.Jimmy what he said:
"You! I want you."
When he said it he pointed a finger to Jimmy.
"What you want to me?!"  he said.
"I want to make you the perfect drug addict." he said St.Jimmy.
"No! I don't wanna be a drug addict! Go away!!" He screamed Jimmy.
And we ran away.

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