Part 4

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"I hope mommy's consequences didn't hurt you baby girl cause if it did mommy won't forgive herself for what happened to you" he says as he talks to her as he enters hospital to go for his testing

Logan was registered in no time, and he heads to maternity for the testing that the doctor ordered for him

"I hope the elevator doesn't break" he says as he gets on

Logan had the elevator to him, and he liked it

"I hope i get up there just fine" he says as he heads up to maternity

Soon the elevator comes to a complete stop

"I was afraid of this" he says when the elevator stopped

Logan tried to get the elevator to start, and no dice and he got scared

"I am scared I am going to go into labor here and deliver the baby here" he says as he was sliding down the wall

Soon Logan started to get pains around his middle, and he knew he was labor

"Baby girl hold on please I don't want you to be born in the elevator" he says as he was trying to keep calm

Logan timed the contractions, and he was breathing with the pains, and he was going to see if he was dilating and he was dilating, so he was going to have this baby in the elevator, so a elevator birth was a reality

"I am going to see if I can call the hospital" he says as he was going to call the hospital to see if they can send help cause he did not want to be alone for the birth

Logan couldn't call the hospital, so he was going to be alone for the birth of his daughter

"I might as well get into my gown and walk the elevator a little bit" he says as he was going to get his gown out so he could be comfortable, and his clothes don't get ruin either and he was hoping his water did not break either as he was in the elevator

Logan was in his gown in no time, and he was going to see if he could call the hospital and see if someone can get the elevator fixed or something before, he has the baby but that was not looking promising right now

"Well, I guess I am having this baby in the elevator" he says as he was going to relax and get his breathing under control as well and try to set up his delivery bed so he could deliver the baby

Logan went through labor and walked the whole elevator nine dozen times before he had to sit down cause his legs were tired, and he was going to see if he could get a hold of the hospital and let them know that he was in the elevator

"Drat no bars" he says as he was going to use the emergency phone to see if that work

Logan was shocked that the phone worked, and he was able to let them know that he was in labor and was going to have a baby if they did not get the elevator to work

"Baby just stay in there for a little longer please mommy can't multitask yet?" he asks his bump right now

Logan was able to get his focus object out and he was able to focus on that as his legs were able to rest cause he was going to need to put them up once he delivers

"I hope they fix this soon" he says as he was still breathing with the pains he was having

more is coming

Part 5 is up now

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