Coma birth preview

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Going to do a preview of this chapter will get the full chapter up later on

Logan Henderson was in another car accident and he went unconscious and he fell right into a coma, and his parents were going to keep him alive cause they did not want to lose their only son at all

"Nurse take a look at these current labs" the doctor says as he was going to show the nurse the current labs that came up for Logan that day

The nurse could not believe it

"That's so scary why wasn't it picked up when he was brought in?" The nurse asks him

"Beats me get labor and delivery up here as soon as you can and get a ultrasound done as well to see how big the baby is and if he is close to full term" the doctor says as he left to go make rounds once again and he was going to come back and see if Logan could get moved cause he will have to be on more monitors and everything else since he was pregnant

The nurse was going to get right on that and get it taken care of as well and she was going to get a hold of labor and delivery as well to see which doctor was on call for the unit and see if they could come up and check Logan out as well and check on the baby too and see if it was full term or if he was early in his pregnancy and they were hoping that he was early and not full term cause if he was full term they were going to have to bring him out of a coma to have the baby and that may not be good at all cause Logan might feel the contractions and feel the baby leaving his body, or they could have Logan have a c section and he could still be a coma and his parents could care for the baby as well


The on call labor and delivery doctor came up to check out Logan and give him a full exam to check on the baby and see if the baby was still okay as well and see if the baby was either in the early stages of development or if the baby was full term, and see if there were more then one baby as well cause if there was more then one baby and if one or both babies were in trouble it was not going to be good at all cause Logan did not have any prenatal care either

"Looks like there is only one baby in there and it looks like the baby is full term, so he may go into labor and he may not go into labor" the doctor says as he checks Logan and the baby as well and he was going to get Logan on the monitors as well

More will come hopefully

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