Part 2

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The on call labor and delivery doctor came up to check out Logan and give him a full exam to check on the baby and see if the baby was still okay as well and see if the baby was either in the early stages of development or if the baby was full term, and see if there were more then one baby as well cause if there was more then one baby and if one or both babies were in trouble it was not going to be good at all cause Logan did not have any prenatal care either

"Looks like there is only one baby in there and it looks like the baby is full term, so he may go into labor and he may not go into labor" the doctor says as he checks Logan and the baby as well and he was going to get Logan on the monitors as well cause they had to monitor the heartrate to see if the baby was healthy and okay or if the baby was in jeopardy and if the baby was in jeopardy they were going have to operate on him to get the baby out, and if the baby was okay they were going to let him go through labor and when the time came for him to have the baby they were going to bring him out of a coma and they were going to help him have the baby and let him name the baby as well before putting him back into a coma and letting him fully recover from his accident and once he started showing signs of a full recovery they were going to ask him questions about the accident and what happened cause they did not know how it happened and who caused the accident as well

The nurses got Logan on the monitor for the baby so they can check the baby's heartbeat to see if the baby was doing okay and was not in any distress at all and if the baby was okay they were going to check on the baby every hour to make sure that the baby was doing okay and they were going to do an ultrasound every three hours to see if the baby was head down or how the baby was laying right now cause they were going to check for movement as well to see if the baby was still moving and they were going to check the gender as well so when it came time for the baby to be born they would put the right color tag in the bassinet and or crib as well so they could identify what the baby was and when Logan came back around as well he could see if he had a son or a daughter and give them a proper name as well cause they are going to need a good name

"So far he is not having any contractions" the nurse tells the doctor after she got Logan on the monitor as well and she was able to locate the baby cause Logan had an ultrasound done to make

The doctor was going to have Logan checked every thirty minutes to see if he was going to be having any contractions as well cause if Logan started having contractions he was going to be going on a different monitor to monitor his contractions to see how far apart they were going to be and how strong they were going to be as well and if they wake him up from his coma too so he could have the baby


The doctor comes to check on Logan and no change at all which was a good sign right now anyway so they were hoping that he was not going to go into labor on his own cause that was not going to be good at all either for him or for the staff cause if he has the baby they would not know at all cause he has a blanket on his bed and they won't hear the cry if the door was closed as well so they were going to monitor him as well for a while still  

More will come hopefully when I'm off again

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