Part 2

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Logan parked his car got his hiking boots on and his gear and he headed out on the trail

"It is so beautiful out here" he says as he was starting out on the trail

Logan loved being one with nature when he could and this was one of those times cause his mental health had been going in all sorts of directions for months, and it was long overdue for him to be one with nature as well

"First I need to find a campsite and set up camp and the continue on the trail" he says as he was going to see where the campsite spots were on the map cause the trail had the campsites marked to let people know where they could set up camp if they wanted to

Logan was able to find a campsite that suited him and he was going to head there, and set up camp

"Okay I should not of overdo it yesterday when I worked out" he says when he felt a cramp go through his stomach

Once Logan had camp set up he started out for his hike and he enjoyed the sights that were around him cause nature was extremely beautiful that day for some reason and he wanted to take it all in as much as he could

(Hours later)

"I think it is time for a snack break" he says as he was going to find a comfortable spot to sit down and enjoy one of the snacks that he had packed for the hike

Logan was able to sit down and get his breathing under control as well cause the pains were coming every fifteen minutes and they lasted for a minute at the most and he was going to head to his campsite cause there was no way he was going to be able to finish the trail that day he was hoping that he could finish it if he got up early enough he could head out and get the hike in and enjoy the sunrise if he was lucky enough to see it cause he was going to get to enjoy the sunset at his campsite that he had found

"I am going to light a fire a make myself something hot" he says as he was going to get the fire going

Logan's pains were getting worse, and he was worried he was going to die right there in open and no one will ever find him ever

"Hopefully this helps" he says as he was going to make himself some dinner right now cause if he had something to eat that will help his stomach right now cause his stomach was in knots and he was not happy

Once Logan had his food he ate it and he kept timing his pains cause they were coming as he was eating dinner that night and he knew something was up so he was going to go behind his tent a ways to relieve himself cause the pains were getting intense a little bit

"Okay the pains are now five minutes apart and they last for a minute so it's best if I head to my spot right now so no one hears me scream at the top of my lungs right now cause this is going to hurt" he says as he goes into the woods that was by his campsite

Logan pulls down his pants and his boxers and puts them off to the side cause whatever was in him wanted out that very minute and wasn't going to wait much longer

"I might as well start pushing" he says as he was going to start pushing whatever was in him out

Logan pushes for five minutes before he hears a splash

"I could not have a baby" he says as he sees the baby in its sac still

Logan popped the sac to get the baby girl to cry

"Come on darling cry for me please" he says as he was cleaning out her mouth the best that he could right now

Soon the tiny child let out a cry and Logan was grateful that the baby was okay and healthy for the moment

"Daddy is going to dry you off and then he will get you checked out" he tells her

Going to wish everyone a happy Easter

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