Part 3

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The doctor was going to have Logan checked every thirty minutes to see if he was going to be having any contractions as well cause if Logan started having contractions he was going to be going on a different monitor to monitor his contractions to see how far apart they were going to be and how strong they were going to be as well and if they wake him up from his coma too so he could have the baby


The doctor comes to check on Logan and no change at all which was a good sign right now anyway so they were hoping that he was not going to go into labor on his own cause that was not going to be good at all either for him or for the staff cause if he has the baby they would not know at all cause he has a blanket on his bed and they won't hear the cry if the door was closed as well so they were going to monitor him as well for a while still and see what happens with the baby cause the baby's heart rate was going to be priority right now cause if the heart rate drops into a danger zone they were going to need to deliver the baby right away and leave Logan in a coma for a while then if the heartbeat doesn't drop and stays steady they were going to monitor for contractions and see if he was goi g to go into labor on his own as well and if that happens they were going have to come up with a plan to deliver the baby cause they could try to bring Logan out of a coma to have the baby but that may or may not end well at all and they were going to deliver the baby in the operating room and that may not go well at all either so they were going to play it by ear right now and then go from there as well

"So far no signs of labor quite yet but that could all change so we need to monitor him every two hours to see how the baby is doing and if the baby starts showing signs of distress as well and if the baby starts showing signs of distress then we need to deliver the baby quickly and get the baby proper care as well and if the baby doesn't show signs of distress still do two hour checks to make sure everything looks good and check on Logan as well then see if the baby is growing and see if the baby starts showing signs of wanting to come out and into the world as well

The nurses were going to do rounds and see who was going to be doing the first check cause nobody wanted to do it so they were going to be drawing straws to see who was going to do it

More next week definitely

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