Part 4

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"So far no signs of labor quite yet but that could all change so we need to monitor him every two hours to see how the baby is doing and if the baby starts showing signs of distress as well and if the baby starts showing signs of distress then we need to deliver the baby quickly and get the baby proper care as well and if the baby doesn't show signs of distress still do two hour checks to make sure everything looks good and check on Logan as well then see if the baby is growing and see if the baby starts showing signs of wanting to come out and into the world as well

The nurses were going to do rounds and see who was going to be doing the first check cause nobody wanted to do it so they were going to be drawing straws to see who was going to do it every time and the shortest straw was going to be doing the checks while the longer straws was going to be doing their normal duties which they were okay with and they were hoping that they did not get the shirt straw at all and they get the longer straw

"Paulette it's you that gets to do the first check cause you got the straw" Dianne says to her cause Dianne was in charge of the nurses and she made sure she was not going to get the shortest straw and she was going to do the first check

Paulette was not going to do it cause she has been getting the short straws lately and she was getting tired of it so she was going to be changing floors and going to a different floor in time cause she was completely and totally fine with this and the others did not blame her Dianne was the bully on the floor and they got tired of it cause she barely did any work at all cause she nada sure she got out of it somehow and she never did any work she was in her office pretending to be on the phone with someone and they were getting tired of that completely do they were going to do it again she made sure she got the short straw no matter what and she still got the longer straw cause she saw what's happening

More maybe next week if I don't work

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