Elevator birth preview

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Going to do a preview to see if you guys like it and if it goes well, I'll do the full chapter in time when I don't know right now, I'm on vacation this week hence why I'm updating like crazy on both here and trying to get to my other account I have on another writing website, so enjoy

Logan Henderson was nine months pregnant with a baby girl and he could not wait to finally meet her and see what she looked like cause the suspense was killing him from the inside

"Baby girl behave for mommy cause she has to go to the hospital to get some testing done cause the doctor is worried about her is all" he says as he was talking to his belly that he had as well cause he didn't gain a whole lot of weight during his pregnancy either, so she was going to be on the small side, and he was completely okay with that logic

Logan got in and he headed to the hospital to have the test done to see what's going on with him and what might be causing this so close to the end of his pregnancy as well


"Better grab the bag and your car seat just in case they admit me, and I can't go back home to get anything I need to have you sweetheart" he says as he parks into the first spot he sees

Logan got out slowly and he got the four bags that was packed, the stroller and the car seat as well just in case he gets admitted and he can't leave

"Time to go get registered baby girl and see when you will be coming" he says as he headed in

Logan had been drinking a bit this pregnancy, but it was due to the pandemic that was happening all over the world, and he could not do much, but stay home and if he went anywhere, he had to make sure he had his mask or a face covering of some sort that way he was protected from the ones who didn't wear anything, and they were going around like this virus didn't exist at all. Plus, if he wanted to leave the county or even the state, he will have to quarantine for two weeks and that was no fun at all. He rather be home bored out of his skull then out some place bored cause he couldn't do anything until quarantine was over. That's how he got into this mess

"I hope mommy's consequences didn't hurt you baby girl cause if it did mommy won't forgive herself for what happened to you" he says as he talks to her as he enters hospital to go for his testing

Logan was registered in no time, and he heads to maternity for the testing that the doctor ordered for him

"I hope the elevator doesn't break" he says as he gets on

Logan had the elevator to him, and he liked it

Merry Christmas

Happy New Year

We are continuing 

Full chapter is up

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