Part 5

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"Paulette it's you that gets to do the first check cause you got the straw" Dianne says to her cause Dianne was in charge of the nurses and she made sure she was not going to get the shortest straw and she was going to do the first check

Paulette was not going to do it cause she has been getting the short straws lately and she was getting tired of it so she was going to be changing floors and going to a different floor in time cause she was completely and totally fine with this and the others did not blame her Dianne was the bully on the floor and they got tired of it cause she barely did any work at all cause she nada sure she got out of it somehow and she never did any work she was in her office pretending to be on the phone with someone and they were getting tired of that completely do they were going to do it again she made sure she got the short straw no matter what and she still got the longer straw cause she saw what's happening and she was going to go along with it for now and hopefully someone else gets the short straw and has to do the first check of Logan which was not going to be pleasant at all either cause they were going to have to do a normal check on the mother but this time it was a guy who was pregnant and might be going into labor at anytime as well so that was going to be a fun filled couple of days caus etheyw ere going have to decide who was going to be checking Logan to see if he was in labor at all during those two hour checks cause they were going to be checking him every two hours to see if he was in labor and how the baby was doing and if he was going to be showing any signs of going into labor as well which could be at anytime and how the baby's heartbeat was doing as well during those checks that they were going to be doing and check on him as well to see how he was doing with his injuries that he had from the accident that had put him in the hospital in the ICU as well and now he doesn't know that he is having a baby or is pregnant for that matter

"Thank goodness it's not me" she says as she goes back to work right now cause she was glad she didn't get the short straw just yet and do she was hoping that she will not get the short straw at all while he was in the hospital

The nurses continued to draw straws and nobody got the short straw at all either which was a shock and they were going to do it again by guessing a number and Paulette did not want you to take part in that at all either so the head nurse was going to make her do it and if she did not take part in this she was going to get moved to a different floor and she was going to stay there as well

"Well Claudia you get to do it" the nurse tells her after they did the guessing game and Claudia was way off on the number that was the right answer so she was more then happy to do it and was willing to do it all the time completely

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