Chapter 6: Shudders

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Ellie's PoV

Though the weather wasn't cold, I shuddered. Being alone in the woods is the last thing I'd do but it doesn't seem like I've got a choice.

I glanced around me.


I was surrounded by dark dense haunted woods and I'm alone.


This was stupid. But I have to wait. There's much time before dark.

Hours passed and the sky was beginning to darken. Remembeding what I said to Lara I decided to get up. I wasn't on my feet yet when I heard the sound of rustling leaves. My heart skipped a beat.

I started walking, my heart slammed against my chest. I could hear footsteps behind me and I didn't notice when I had started running.

I glanced backwards, there was no one in sight. My foot cought on something and my face hit the ground hard.

That hurt. I sat up and glanced downwards. I had tripped against a log.

"I bet that was bad" I heard a steady voice.

A guy was standing in front of me. My lips parted. Every inch of him screamed LA model. He closed in on six foot dressed in head to toe black. His dark tousled hair matched his outfit. But I was too angry to think about that.

"Were you chasing me? I yelled.

"No" now his back was against a tree and hands in the pockets of his black jacket.

I rolled my eyes. "Then why are you here"

"I saw you running, thought you might need my help" He said cocking his head.

His confidence made me loose my temper.

"Then get lost" I yelled at him.

He arched an eyebrow, "Are you sure?"

No I wasn't. This place is horrible. Whatever was following me has scared the shit out of me. I don't wanna be left alone again.

Too stubborn to swallow my pride I decided to rather ignore his question.

"Do you live here?" I asked.

"Yeah" he nodded.

"What's your name" the question was too awkward for the moment but there was nothing else on my mind and I had to make him stay.

"Ash" He said.

"Won't you ask mine?" I raised my brows.

"No, I know it already"

My eyes widened and he chuckled.

"You look like you just saw a ghost, I was kidding" he let out a laugh.

I sighed. "I'm Ellina"

He smiled. Then went on "May I ask what a pretty girl like you is doing alone in woods that are supposedly haunted?"

"I'm..." I wasn't sure what to say.

"You?" He smirked. His bad boy demeanor though cool still was annoying.

"It's dark I need to get back to the town" I said quickly moving past him.

He blocked my way. "I'll walk you there" he sounded rather commanding.

This pissed me off. No one dares to order me around. I locked eyes with him to show him my aggressive side but there was something in his chocolate brown eyes that stopped me.


I glared daggers at him for a moment than gave up.

"Fine!" I spat.

He smirked again.

We walked in silence until the clearing where the town lay was just some meters away.

Zach spotted me and called "babe where were you" he was distant but I could hear his voice clearly.

"Shush, don't tell anyone about me" Ash whispered in my ear.

I turned around to protest but he wasn't there.

"Ellina" Zach called again. He was just steps away now.

He came and pulled me into a tight embrace.

"You scared the shit out of me" he murmured on my shoulder.

"Sorry" I said slowly pulling away.

"Lara told me what you did" he paused then continued with a scowl "I'll kill her for leaving you alone"

"Don't worry I wasn't-" I paused. 'Shush' Ash wanted me to keep our encounter concealed.

"You weren't what" Zach's brows furrowed.

"I wasn't scared... there was nothing concerning in the woods." I replied

He sighed and wrapped his arm around mine "let's go take some rest, okay babe"

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