Chapter 19: Blood

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Ash's PoV

I spread my wings wide and flew, if my sixth sense was correct then she must be at the demon cemetery.

No, demons don't die but when they are fed up of being alive they bury themselves and fall into a deep sleep.

I flew across the cemetery which to humans is just a clearing but to my vision I see all the spires cutting across the night sky.

She's close.

A part of me knew she's close. I could feel her presence in the air. I could feel her in pain.

I could feel someone laying his hands on her.

In a flash I crushed the roof and lunged at her attacker. I punched and punched with all the strength I had.

Sheer agony cut through me. It was like something sharp clawed at my back but I knew the pain wasn't mine but her's.

Adrenaline rushed through my body. I cut through the air at full speed and grabbed her attacker and ripped the witch into two.

Despite my wings I ran to Ellie and kneeled down. She lay on her side with a dagger stabbed in her back.

I cupped her small face in my palm, she wasn't unconscious yet. The dagget glowed green. I knew it was charmed and there was no way I could save her now. A knot started to tighten in my chest.


If I feed the boy's blood to Ellie she might survive, so, I let go of Ellie and ran over to the vampire but before I could grab hold of him he was dragged away by an unseen force.


I had forgotten that the boy was a necromancer. And even if he was unconscious those things were still under his possession.

I need to fight those things to get hold of him but I can't leave Ellie here. I walked back to her, picked her up and walked to the altar. Several candles were still alight, aligned by the sides of the dais.

I pulled the dagger out even though I new it's risky but I was going to save her no matter what and to kill that vampire boy I need a charmed weapon.

I layed Ellie on the altar and kissed her forehead.

"It's gonna be alright" I murmured against her skin.

Unshed tears glistened in her eyes. I didn't want to leave her alone but I had to save her.

I turned away and walked towards the tunnel where the boy was dragged. The air at this side smelled stale and felt much colder.

I knew I'm surrounded by ghosts from all four sides. It was all dark around me. From somewhere in the darkness something lunged at me.

Ellie's PoV

I was dying. I knew I was dying.

One moment Ash was over Zach and the other Lara was snapped into two.

Ash carried me up and walked me towards the altar while I lay limp in his arms. Though I was grateful to have him here it hadn't changed anything. I tried to escape and he tried to save me but to no awail. I was still bleeding to death.

Agony cut through me when he pulled the dagger out, I winced in pain..

Then he lay me on the altar and kissed my forehead. Just in that moment I realized that I'd give up the world for him.

If only.

If only I could. Tears were blurring my vision.

"It's gonna be alright" I heard him murmur.

No hope so.

I wanted to speak. Just something, anything, just a single word but my throat refused to let words out.

He walked away from me. I kept watching him he fade into darkness. While I lay in my own pool of blood.

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