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"hey wake up you two!" Hana says, shaking her two friends who were fast asleep. "The teacher will be here any minute now" she says. Squinting her eyes due to the light Jiyeon looks around, chuckling softly when she sees San asleep. "Why is it so hard to wake him up?!" Hana exclaims, pointing at the still sleeping boy.

"San" Jiyeon says, patting the boy on his shoulder. "How the hell did you do that?" Hana says, seeing San slowly wake up. "Oh no I'm so sorry" San says, grabbing his bag and standing up from Hana's seat. "That's alright" she assures with a smile. "Bye" San says, "Bye" Jiyeon replies, chuckling. "They're not here again?" Hana asks, looking at the two empty seats behind them. Jiyeon shakes her head to which Hana sighs.

"San you coming?" Jiyeon asks, turning around to face the boy who was packing up his bag. "Oh yeah... Give me just a minute" he says and she nods. "I'm sleepy" Hana says, laying her head on Jiyeon's shoulder. "Go sleep once you get home" she says and Hana sighs. "Alright let's go" San says.

"Bye Ji!" "Bye Hana!" The two hug each other goodbye, once out of the school gate. "Bye San" "bye" San chuckles, waving lightly at her. Turning around Hana walks in the opposite direction of the route Jiyeon takes. "You go this way too?" She asks San and he nods. "Cool" she says and he chuckles.

"Why didn't Mark and Lucas come today?" San asks, gaining Jiyeon's attention. "They are just sick" she replies and San nods. "Hope they get well soon!" San says making the girl smile. "Oh by the way... I'm sorry about what they did yesterday" she says, looking down. "What did they do?" San asks, facing the girl. "After the break. When me and Hana left..." "Oh... Wait you saw?!" He asks and Jiyeon nods.

"I did and I'm sorry... I don't know what got into them" Jiyeon says. "That's alright. I didn't think about it much" San chuckles. "Do you live close to school?" San asks. "Kind of. It's just a twenty minute walk to school" she replies. "What about you? Do you live close to school?" She adds. "Almost the same distance as you" San says and she nods.

"Do you want to come in?" Jiyeon asks, directing to their house. "Oh no it's alright! Thanks though" San replies with a smile. "Okay! Bye!" "Bye Jiyeon!" They say before walking in two different directions. Going upstairs to her room, she throws her bag on a side before plopping herself on the bed.

Drying her hair she walks out of the bathroom, grabbing her phone from the table and walking down to the kitchen. The refrigerator was nearly empty, leaving her nothing to eat. The sun was beginning to set. Jiyeon dressed up quick before locking up the door and walking to the store.

Placing all the items on the counter, she pays for them and quickly walks back home with the heavy bags before the sun sets. Keeping the stuff she brought at it's right places she sighs, grabbing a glass and some juice. Jiyeon's eyes wander off to the three family portraits hung up high on the wall, with her eyes blurring by each passing second.

She had never imagined things would go like this, not just for her but her two bestfriends as well. Losing everything they loved, and only them being there for each other. It had been years and they thought they'd get over it, but the pictures on the wall made them feel otherwise.

Mark and Lucas would work to earn for all three of their expenses. Whereas Jiyeon was not allowed to, that being after many arguments about how  the two boys didn't want her to pressure herself and keep her safe. chuckling bitterly, she wipes her tears and smiles at the three framed pictures.

Hey!! thank you for reading!!
I'm sorry this isn't the best...
I love you all!!

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