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Hana taps Yuta that was beside her, while her gaze remained on the papers in her hands. "Did you find anything?" He looks her way. "Isn't this the building that got raided once and they had it closed down?" She asks, watching as Yuta grabbed the papers from her hand while slowly nodding. "They could be here, don't you think?" She asks.

Yuta smiles at her, nodding once more. "You're good! Where did you find it?" He asks. "There's a file with documents there" she points at the bed. "It was stuck between the bed and the wall" she adds. "Good job! Do you want to go give it to Taeyong?" He asks.

She shakes her head. "You give it, I kind of over did it earlier so I'll talk to him later" she says. "You only said what was right and besides I don't think he's going to remember that with all that's going through his head. I'll go give it and be back soon though" Yuta replies. Earning a nod from Hana, he turns to walk out of the room. 

Hana looks around the room, her gaze landing on the closet doors. Walking closer, she opens the door before taking a look inside. Light seeped in through a curtain that seemed to lead her into another room. She walked towards a board at the far end of the room, gasping when she saw all the pictures pinned onto the board. "Yuta..." She mumbles, glancing at the entrance behind her.

"Hana, where are you?" She hears Yuta's voice. "the closet" she simply replies, walking closer towards the board. Her gaze travels along all the pictures of NCT including her and Jiyeon. They were pictures from when they were together at Jiyeon's place or the mansion, individual pictures of both her and Jiyeon going on with their work.

Her gaze then traveled to the top of the board where three pictures of Taeyong, Jongin and Jiyeon had been pasted, each of them being crossed out. Hearing footsteps rush behind her, she turns to look at Yuta that looked at the board with shock. "They really are planning on killing the three of them..." he mumbles. "Why? I know that her brother and Taeyong are part of the Mafia so they probably have history with them, but Jiyeon did nothing" she says.

"Jiyeon did nothing. She shouldn't have gotten involved with any of us. She's going through unnecessary pain because of us" Yuta replies. "Taeil did some research when I went back down..." He looks down, gently grabbing Hana's hand and playing with her fingers. "They work with the same people that killed Jiyeon's, Lucas's and Mark's parents" he says. Hana gasps.

"Jongin left Jiyeon with Mark and Lucas, both Taeyong and him getting them a house to stay in. And later he joined the Mafia to find those who killed their parents" he adds. "I feel terrible" Hana sighs, stepping forward and letting her head lean against his chest. "It'll be fine, we'll find them" Yuta replies, slowly wrapping his arms around her in a hug.

Taeyong looks past the curtain, gulping as his gaze landed on Yuta that comforted Hana who was on the verge of crying. He turns around, walking out of the room and heading back down the stairs. "I've been noticing..." He stops in his tracks, turning to look at Doyoung that walked upto him. "Is that a couple bracelet?" He asks, pointing at the bracelet Taeyong unconsciously kept picking at. "because Jiyeon didn't stop blabbering about it when I saw her have one" he adds. Taeyong smiles softly, glancing down at his wrist. "It is" he says.

"I'm sorry though" he says. "For what?" Doyoung tilts his head. "I didn't mean for you to see it" Taeyong replies, pulling his sleeve down to cover the bracelet. "It's alright, Taeyong" Doyoung chuckles. "That's in the past" he softly pats Taeyong's shoulder. Taeyong looks at him, letting out a sigh. He purses his lips together, stepping closer while Doyoung slowly pulled him into a hug. "I miss her" Taeyong mumbles, his head falling onto Doyoung's shoulder. Doyoung gulps, assuringly patting the younger ones back. "We'll find Jeno and her" he says.

"Okay!!!" Startled, Taeyong leans back, looking over at Xiaojun that rushed towards them, the rest quickly gathering around. "We tracked the van from that day, and it leads to the same building Hana found the document of!" He exclaims. "I think we finally found them" he smiles. Taeyong lets out a sigh of relief, glancing at Doyoung that nodded and smiled.

"Let's go back for now, and prepare ourselves really quick" Taeyong instructs, while the rest nodded. "You guys go ahead actually, I'll tell Jongin and meet you all near the building" he adds. The others nod once more, rushing out of the house. He turns to look at Doyoung that stayed back. "You don't have any weapons with you" Doyoung says. "I might have a few in my car" Taeyong replies. Doyoung slowly nods. "Tell her brother, we'll go together after that" he says. Taeyong nods once, walking towards a corner.

"Jeno" Jiyeon mumbles, resting her head on his shoulder. He hums in response, glancing in her direction. She leans back, placing the back of her hand over his forehead. "You have a fever!" She exclaims. "I don't" he shakes his head. "I'm just tired" "let me try to ask for something" she says, using all her strength to get up onto her feet. "Jiyeon are you crazy?!" Jeno grabs the girls wrist. "I'm only going to ask for something, don't worry" she smiles, pushing his hand out of her.

In a way Jiyeon was thankful for the fact that Jeno was left tied. Although she tried to get them off him, the chains were far too strong. She walks  towards the two huge doors, glancing back at Jeno that looked at her anxiously while shaking his head. She pushes the handle down and like it had always been, it was locked. She pushed it once more, yet it didn't budge. With a sigh she knocks on the door until it was slammed open. Flinching, she takes a step back, looking up at the guard that stepped into the room.

"What?!" He asks. She glances behind the door, making eye contact with a group of other guards that stood  guarding. "C-could I have some medicine, please" she looks back at the guard in front of her. "No." He replies, turning around to walk when she hesitantly grabbed his wrist. "Please, just a cloth and some water even?" He turns back around, glancing down at his hand, making Jiyeon immediately take hers back.

He pushes her away, her body hitting hard on the floor. She groans at the pain that shot through her body while her wounds scratched against the hard floor. Jeno widens his eyes, pulling at the chains around him. The guard scoffs, turning around to leave with the two doors closing hard behind him. "Ji!! Jiyeon!!" Jeno exclaims. Jiyeon grabs the part of her shirt over her stomach into a fist, groaning while she screwed her eyes shut.

"Jiyeon!! What's wrong?!" Jeno looks at her with worry. She rolls to her side, turning away from Jeno that constantly kept yelling her name. "Just... My stomach" she manages to say, feeling like all the air had been knocked out of her while tears threatened to spill down her eyes. The aching reduced after several minutes, to which she let out an exhausted sigh. She covers her face using her hands, laying flat on the floor. "Jiyeon..." She hears Jeno mumble softly.

"Jeno, you should sleep for a while. It might help reduce your temperature a little" she says. "I'm sorry... You're hurt again because of me" he mumbles, his head hung low. "It's not because of you. It was just the usual cramp, but slightly worse. Sleep, alright?" She replies. Jeno stays quiet, glancing at Jiyeon while letting out a soft sigh. He felt completely useless, not being able to do anything for her while she was in pain.

After what felt like forever, Jiyeon glances at Jeno that was asleep. She brings a hand down to her stomach while she used the other to help her sit up. She groans, her head dropping low while she tightened her grip on the material of her T-shirt. She slowly backs up against the wall, sighing as she let her eyes closed for a few seconds.

Her gaze travels down to her body, wandering over the several cuts and bruises on her skin. The sight of them made it difficult for her to breathe. She was disgusted at how her body felt now. She dropped her head onto her palms, crying softly until she felt like she couldn't anymore.

Approximately an hour later, Jiyeon's head shoots up at the sound of several guns being fired. She glances at Jeno that flinched as he woke up to the sound, looking around him until his gaze landed on Jiyeon. She wipes her tears away, standing up slowly and with all her strength while she rushed to the boys side. "What's happening?" He mumbles, grabbing Jiyeon's hand while pulling her behind him.

"Do you think it's them?" She looks at him, lightly squeezing onto his hand. "I hope so" he replies. The sounds of the gunshots increased, sounding louder each second. Jiyeon brought her hands upto her ears, closing her eyes shut. After a few minutes, Jeno moves her hands away. It was awfully quiet. Jiyeon gulped, looking at Jeno when the door was slammed open. The two look towards the door, widening their eyes.

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