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Panting heavily, Jiyeon moves away from the punching bag to face Taeyong that looked unimpressed by the punches she threw. "Are you really that weak?" He asks. "You said that I was only going to practice my shooting" she states. "I very clearly mentioned you were going to do more" Taeyong replies.

"It's not physically possible to train for 6 hours straight!" She says. "Alright then. Follow me" he replies, walking to and out of the door. Groaning, she tiredly follows behind the boy that walked up the huge stairs and towards the other end of the hallway, stopping at a door similar to all the other room doors she passed by.

"You have an hour to rest, I'll be back then" Taeyong says, opening the door to show a room neatly arranged as if no one had used it at all. "Do I get to stay here?" She asks, looking around the place in awe. "Unless you wanna go back to the training room and continue practicing..." He mumbles. "Nope I'll stay here" Jiyeon smiles, pushing the boy away from the door before closing it shut.

"Also, Take a shower or something you're soaked in sweat and it's disgusting" Jiyeon hears Taeyong mutter from the other side of the door, making her roll her eyes. Scanning the room, her eyes land on the clothes and the piece of paper that was lying on the bed. Opening up the folded sheet, she smiles softly while looking through the letters that she recognised by now as Jeno's. "I hope you'll like them!" She reads out before glancing back at the clothes.

Walking out of the bathroom after a shower and dressing up into cleaner clothes, Jiyeon sighs before plopping herself on the bed. "I'm hungry" she mumbles, placing a hand over her stomach that growled. Dragging herself towards the door, she looks at either side of the hallway before quietly making her way towards the kitchen.

"Oh Mr. Bodyguard!!" Jiyeon exclaims, skipping towards the male that turned to look at her. "Shouldn't you be resting?" He asks. "Yeah but I'm starving" she chuckles softly. "Come on, I'll make something for you" he replies. "You cook?" Jiyeon tilts her head to the side, earning a nod from the male.

"Have one!" Jiyeon smiles, passing the plate with sandwiches towards the male that stood in front of her. "Oh no-" "aren't you hungry?" She asks, pursing her lips together while slightly widening her eyes. "Have one, I insist. It looks really good too" she chuckles softly.

Hesitantly stretching his hand out, he grabs one from the plate before smiling at the girl. "Thank you" he says, earning a nod from her. "Ooh... This tastes really good!!" Jiyeon exclaims, smiling wide. "Really?" He asks, before taking a bite out of the sandwich himself. "Yes!" She replies.

"Have you been to the garden here?" The older one asks, sliding a glass of water across the table. "Thank you" Jiyeon chuckles. "There's a garden here?" She asks. "Yeah. I'll take you there" he replies.

"Woah!!" Jiyeon gasps, looking around the place that was filled with greenery. There were four open huts on each corner of the garden giving out a palace like vibe. Two benches  faced the wide river that rested quite a distance from the garden. "Is this all Ta-" "Taeyong's. It's all his" the gaurd says, cutting Jiyeon off.

"It's so pretty!" Jiyeon smiles. "Can we go there?" She asks, pointing towards the direction of the river. "Yeah" he replies, walking ahead while Jiyeon followed closely. "This can't be real..." Jiyeon mumbles, looking out at the water.

Turning around to face the view of the mansion, Jiyeon watches the figure that came out onto the balcony. His hands rested on the railing while he slightly leaned forward to get a better view of the river, not noticing the the girl that was watching.

"Does he always come out there?" Jiyeon asks, glancing at the male beside her before looking back at Taeyong. "When he has alot on his mind usually" he replies. "You seem to know him well" Jiyeon smiles. "I've been working for him since the beginning. I guess you could say I know him, but not too much" the male says.

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