Chapter 7

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A/N: This chapter is really conversational... Sorry...

(I ship platonic Sophiana.)



"I can explain," Sophie repeated. "But whatever you do, DO NOT panic and run away."

Somehow, that didn't make them look any more, or less freaked out.

"Give a second," she promised. "I need to make a call."

Linh was already in the process of scanning the surroundings for other witnesses.

Even though long ago, the police had had an agreement with Trio, promising that they wouldn't look into any gang issues, if they were caught red handed, that would cause problems.

She dialed a number into her phone. When the call went through, she didn't bother waiting for a greeting before she said, "I need transport."

She could practically hear Dave's frown. "Why."

"No time. Listen, just discreetly get transport for 6 people, and... A lot of men."

"What did you do this time?"

"No time," she said again. "And don't tell Liam, I'll tell both of you everything later."

"But where are you?"

"Stop the act, I know you bugged my phone, just track it."

She'd been wanting to confront him about that for some time. Preferably more dramatically, but... Oh well.

She blew out a breath and hung up.

Apparently, by then, Linh had explained almost everything to Dex, Fitz, Biana and Keefe.

Biana looked the least freaked out.

Sophie knew there was the reason the girl was so likeable.

"So the gist is," she spoke, picking up from where Linh had stopped. "Both of us are daughters and Heirs of the Gang Leaders in the most notorious triad gang to ever exist.

"Basically... We've killed before. Many times. If you wanna ask why there weren't reports, it's simple. Trio's made an agreement with the Torrel police department a long time ago, and as long as we don't kill innocents, any gang business is not their concern."

She crossed her arms. "As long as we're not caught red handed, the police won't ask questions, as long as they're gang members. But if you're afraid we'll kill you," she snorted. "I'm not washing my hands in the blood of innocents."

The four of them exchanged a look.

"What about your own blood?" Biana questioned quietly


"You're bleeding."

Oh right, she was.

The cut was deep.

And at her life's blood.

Though it didn't matter. She'd suffered worse.

"I'm fine."

Right then, two black vans drove past the alleyway.


"You'd better start explaining, or- " Dave cut himself off.

"Fury is very stupid, and we need to have a talk to Marella. At least the Conference won't be boring," she answered with a sarcastic smile.

Before she started giving out orders to the men piling out of the second van. "Clear the area, the blood, get rid of any blatant evidence, then dump the bodies on Fury's doorstep. If you can, use their blood to write a message along the lines of 'stop being stupid' on the ground."

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