Love You Forever teaser

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Heyyyyy! Here's my favourite oneshot in my oneshots book titled "Love You Forever: Sokeefe Oneshots" ;))

If you like it, please head over and check it out! :DD

Also, side note, I wrote this when I shipped Tiana. I don't very much anymore, ahem, hehe.



Sophie couldn't believe the lost cities had something similar to laser tagging.

Well, it was more similar to paintball.

The elvin version was in a dark maze with two opposing teams, and glow in the dark splotchers as paintballs.

Each team got a different colour, and if a person got splattered by the splotcher of the opposing team, that person was disqualified. 

She wasn't going to lie, she could already sense her friends getting to overly excited, and she wasn't feeling too good about it. 

Grady practically betrayed her when he dumped her and her friends at this random place in Atlantis and claimed he needed to go buy food for some of the reptilian creatures in the Havenfield pastures. 

They would have been fine waiting.

Except for the fact that he'd told them to have fun when he left. 

Now, Sophie was regretting her life decisions as Biana signed them up. 

 Their group dividing was Tam, Biana, Keefe and Fitz in a group, using green splotchers, with Sophie, Dex, Wylie and Linh in the other, using pink splotchers.

"If we're against them, we're dead," Dex muttered. "So, so dead."

"Hey, don't underestimate me," she nudged him. "For all you know, we'll emerge victorious."

He seemed to ponder it. Then wrinkled his nose. "Nah. See, Tam and Biana are a good couple, but together, their competitiveness is-" he mimed an explosion. "Off the charts."

"Then there's Wonderboy," he continued. "Apparently, he has a vendetta against splotchers, from... Y'know," a grin. "Still the best gift you could have ever given me."

Her cousin jerked a chin to Keefe. "And you know that guy."

Sophie gave a smirk. Sure she did. When Keefe made up his mind to do something, the only thing that could stop him was if the literal earth blew up. 

"Oh! But we have you on our team!" Dex started bouncing on his feet, his grin full of glee. "You can kick their asses even if you're the only one left."


Five minutes before the game officially started, both teams were talking strategy. 

"So, Lady Fos-Boss," Wylie cocked his head, throwing and catching some of the gear that seemed to be a paintball gun-ish sort of pistol. Periodt. "Teamwork, or divide and conquer?"

"Divide and conquer. And if we can get them to follow us, we regroup in the middle of the maze," she decided.

"I can take Tam down," suggested Linh. "I know how he thinks."

"I wanna beat Wonderboy," said Dex, once again jumping up and down in excitement.

"Then I guess that leaves me with Biana," Wylie concluded. "'Cause I mean, we all know that..."

Sophie's teammates' identical grins spoke enough. 

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah," sarcasm laced her voice. "'Cause Keefe's mine."

Can't Say I Don't Love You (A Sokeefe AU)Where stories live. Discover now