Chapter 14

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William was drunk. Again. Sophie couldn't exactly say that she was surprised. It was rare that he wasn't on some alcohol.

Still, that little fact actually worked to their advantage for once. Because he wasn't exactly on high alert, and hadn't noticed when poison had been slipped into his drink.

It wouldn't kill him, no. There was no way they were going to let poison end him so easily. Not when they still had things to say to him. Not when they needed a surefire way to ensure that he ended up dead. They couldn't do that if he was sent to the hospital before the poison had fully kicked in.

Instead, the poison weakened him. It was completely colourless and tasteless, the effects mild enough until it was too late. Soporidine was what they had gone with. A powerful sedative, yet deadly and paralysing when used in extremely concentrated doses.

Vengeance wasn't the only reason why they had chosen Sophie's mother's death anniversary. It was also because every year, there was a dinner hosted in her honour, for William to "mourn his deceased wife".

It wasn't as if he cared. And everyone knew it. He'd forced her to marry him after all.

Yet, the dinner provided a perfect opportunity for them to take action.

It was in the dining hall of Wrath's HQ, and security was arranged by them. So it only took a few adjustments to the usual postings to ensure that majority of the people on guard were their men.

Anyone not on their side who had insisted on staying, or usually had too much visibility to risk dismissing... Well, they would be taken care of too.

It only took less than five minutes for the soporidine to take effect.

William doubled over, clutching his stomach in agony.

"What..." He rasped, confused.

Taking the cue, Sophie, who had been stationed near the back door, nodded almost imperceptibly to the men on her right.

She had taken the liberty to memorise all the postings before tonight, and was on high alert. Even if she hadn't, Liam would've forced her to anyway. None of them were taking any chances. And should anything still go wrong, a whole half of Trio on Tam, Linh and Marella's end were just one call away.

She watched quietly as the doors began to shut one by one.

William was still in a drunken haze, too thick to notice the slight change in atmosphere as it slowly bordered on dangerous.

Only about twenty percent of the men in the room weren't theirs. And those on guard who had noticed something off...

Sophie looked on, an indifferent expression on her face that she was struggling to keep up as a few of them were stealthily gutted or had their throats slit.

Things were going slowly. In other words, according to plan.

Until one of William's most loyal dogs realised exactly how wrong the dinner was going.


Instantly, all the doors slammed shut.

Anyone belonging to William was shoved into the dining hall before they were quickly taken care of.

"You turned against me?" William muttered, turning and looking Sophie in the eye.

She was yards away from him, and he was still drugged, but her heart still pounded as he turned a venomous gaze towards her. As if he knew that she was the main reason why any of this is happening.

Sophie tuned out all the fighting, the slaughter, the clash of blade on blade.

The sound of bodies being flung away.

The thick, metallic scent of blood beginning to creep it's way towards her.

She made her way to her father, now on the floor, his chair toppled over.

Her brothers were already there, Liam with a dagger out and aimed, Dave preparing to restrain William for him to finish the job. Just as they had planned.

Sophie's father, if he could even be called that, scrambled away, a rough sneer on his face. "You will regret this. You'll never succeed. My men- "

"Are already dead at our feet," his son hissed.

He angled the dagger, pulling back his arm, before plunging it downwards-

Sophie caught his arm.

She blinked, not realising what she had done before she had already done it.

Liam squinted at her. This wasn't part of the plan.

She shook her head. I'm not sparing him.

William wheezed out a harsh laugh despite his condition. "Completely spineless," he murmured under his breath. "Think about how embarrassed I'll be when my own daughter doesn't have the nerve to commit murder on her dear father."

She ignored it.

"Apologise," she said instead.

She felt her brother stiffen, but she ignored that too.

William smiled sleepily, trying to inch away without her noticing. "I'm sorry I didn't kill you sooner."

Her hand was on his throat, squeezing enough to cut his airways barely.

"Not to me," she breathed. "Apologise to her."

She barely registered the noise stopping all around her, William's men having been dealt with, all of hers watching as she got her revenge.

The part that scared her the most? The revenge tasted so good. She was scared of the monster that her father had turned her into.

He choked out another laugh. "To your mother? That woman whose worse mistake of her life was having met me? No."

Rage wasn't the only thing clouding her vision when Sophie tightened her grip on his throat before flinging him aside.

"End it," she choked.

Liam didn't have to be told twice.

Time seemed to slow. Everyone seemed to hold their breaths, even William, who never believed that his son and daughter were going to kill him.

Sophie palmed the dagger she kept in her boot.

Together, they moved.

And each stabbed a blade into his heart.


A/N: Heyyyyy guysss!!

OTTR? How did you like that chapter?

Anyway, the QOTC for this chapter is a little different from the usual.

Have you guys read Stellarlune? If so, what are your rants/thoughts/theories on it? Comment and we can hold a discussion about it! :DD

There definitely will be spoilers, so for those who intend to read Stellarlune and don't want any spoilers, please don't go to the comment section. ;))



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