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      TODAY CARRIED THE BURDEN OF INTERVIEWS. I knew it was my last chance to impress the Capitol in hope of sponsors in the arena - yet I was quite shy around strangers. The wings of the stage didn't make the situation any better either as all twenty-four of us had been crammed against a single wall to wait for our turn. My claustrophobia began to kick in as we all stood patiently for our turn.

     "This young girl from District Ten gave us quite a surprise with her training score, so, here is Silver Quinn!" Breathing heavily, I stepped onto the stage, head up and trying to smile. He took my hand and led me to the white egg cup seats. My heart was beating fast. The whole of Panem is watching you, that thought haunted my mind. I tried to fight the nerves away, but they crept closer...

     "How are you Silver?" Ceaser said, focusing me back to reality. I thought about something witty and clever to say next.

     "I'm fine, thank you." The audience seemed to chuckle at this comment and so did Caesar. I didn't particularly understand why, maybe there was something wrong with my dress? Was it too shiny or too plain? Maybe I was worrying myself too much.

     "So tell us, how did you get that training score of ten?" Caesar sounded truly interested and I told him

     "I can't tell you that exactly, I don't want anyone stealing my techniques." Everyone began to laugh again, confusing me once more.

     "Yes, a true professional never shows their skills!" He paused and his face turned serious, "Your outfit was amazing in the Tribute Parade by the way. We all loved it, but tell me, how is a small, but, as we've all been told, powerful young girl like you going to cope in the Games?"

     I don't know how I'm going to cope, Caesar. I hate death - my Mother died right in front of me. I felt as if I was about to cry, but I pulled it together after a few moments.

     "By being myself. I know that I have a few noticeable skills, that you'll see inside the arena, but I'm not intending to use them unless I really, really have to." I could feel my heart rising up my chest, beating quicker and quicker as Caesar interrogated me with more questions.

     "And I'm sure that's true. Give it up for Silver Quinn!" Caesar lifted up my hand as I climbed from my chair and the audience cheers echoed through my head. I began to walk back into the wings, finding Bradley and Atlanta still clapping. The nerves evaporated as Atlanta out her arms in excitement, squealing like a little mouse.

     Bradley patted me gently on the shoulder as we walked further into the backstage area. We stood in front of a wide screen television hung on a creamed wall. Ceaser was featured on it, his smile stretching across the screen as he smartened up his golden tie. His arm extended to introduce James to the interviews, who's black and grey tuxedo ran along with the District Ten theme for this year.

     "What a nice young man you are! Please take a seat," Ceaser and James quickly shook hands before sitting back down on the egg chairs. As I peered into the screen, I could see the fear in his eyes covered by some sort of shield whilst he gazed over the audience. He awkwardly adjusted his jacket during a pause of silence before speaking again.

     "You are looking very smart today James," Ceaser said, smiling. "What is your stylist secret? I must know!"

     "Tigris wouldn't let me tell you," James replied as the television showed Tigris in the audience happy with her mention.

     Ceaser sighed in what seemed like a scripted disappointment, "Secrets must be kept with great knowledge, I see."

     James half-smiled at the compliment and returned to listen to Ceaser.

     "Moving swiftly on." Ceaser looked towards the audience as they cheered on to the next conversation. "Do you have in mind any allies or will you be wondering lone wolf in the arena?"

     James cleared his throat before staring straight down into the camera for a split second, as if he was staring straight at me.

     "My District partner would be an obvious choice, but I made a few connection during the training days with some others." Ceaser nodded in approval as James diverted his attention back to the interviews. I turned the corners of my lips up to form a pleased smile. I liked knowing that I had someone to trust during the arena.

     "In all fairness, I'd be useless without an ally." Ceaser chuckled before standing up to mark the end of James' interview.

     "Give it up for James!" Ceaser announced whilst James began to come in my direction backstage. He grinned pleasantly as he passed the waiting District Eleven and Twelve Tributes on the way towards Bradley, Atlanta and I. Bradley nodded approvingly as he guided us in the general way back to the elevator.

     "Tomorrow is the most important day of your young lives. Remember all that I said in the last couple of days," he took in a breath, "it could save your life."

     "Shall we try and reach the Cornucopia?" James asked.

     "You're both fast enough, yes."

     "Anything else?"

     "Doubt destroys dreams more than failure ever will. Take risks. Doubt can kill," his voice slowed at the last sentence as we stopped in front of the elevator. At that moment, I knew that would be the last time all of us would be together.

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