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     THIS WAS LIKE MY DREAM. The dream I kept having. I was running. Running away from what? I didn't know. I knew that Ottilie was chasing me and I had to find Silver and Bella. I was out of breath but whenever I took a breath it stung down my throat, burning my insides, tearing apart my life. Every step taken was another risk. I could have fallen. I could have trembled. I could have died. I saw no future. I was going to die. I had been shot like Freya. Shot right through my stomach just like Freya.

     I saw the horizon then, five figures assembled in the distance, standing by the ebony shade of the cornucopia. I recognised them all: Althea, Rey, Blaise, Bella and Silver. I zipped up my coat, hiding the crimson blood dissolving into the fabric of my shirt. Otillie was the one who shot me and Freya, behind the foliage of the plants and trees that surrounded the cave.

     Golden arrows flew past my eyes. Ottilie was only chasing after me around 20 metres away, so I had to keep running until I reached the girls. Luckily, that was the one thing I actually excelled at.

     I had no weapon, just a couple of matches and sticks to light a fire. I sighed at my inability to become useful.  Finally near the crowd, I slowed down and reached to where they were having a conversation.

     "Ah, here's James. Good work you two," Althea said to Blaise and Otillie who were just catching up. Silver stared at me, like I had done something completely crazy or she was attempting to talk to me telepathically; either way, it was very strange.

     "What happened?" I asked, receiving filthy and dangerous looks from the Careers. I heard Blaise snigger behind me, holding Silver in a right grasp, whilst Rey shuffled Bella around in a headlock, her face flushed red.

     "What do you think happened?" Bella replied, her voice overflowing with sarcasm.

     Silver stood there, blushing but trying to cover it with anger, staring into the sky like she didn't want to be in the conversation. She sighed, as if she was letting out all her innocence and keeping the rage inside her. Her lips curled underneath snowy-coloured teeth and left her eyes piercing up to the fleecy clouds that watched over this dull event of silence. Before long, she sealed her eyelids, constructing a temper I've never seen her complete before.

     "Please," she said, her speech desperate and full. I saw Silver's hands return to her daggers and cloak round the one behind her back. Her eyes blooded with anger for her life. I knew I couldn't let her do anything she would later regret, so I locked my eyes with hers, concerned of what would happen next. Her eyes received the stare as if they'd turned into glass shards and tears welled up. I knew that she wanted to cry so much, but she concealed it carefully, trying to not make her appear weak.

     "You're all already dead," Ottilie exclaimed as she ran her fingers along the rim of her bow, its reflection glittering in the harsh sunlight that need down on the arena. "Do you want me to make it quicker for you?" She stepped towards me, removing an arrow from the centre of the quiver.

     I hadn't realised, but Silver eyes had diverted themselves away from mine and her face turned pale with sadness. Blaise had her locked between his arms, her neck red and her hand only able to escape from him to touch mine. Althea held me in a similar position, but lighter as she must have seen me as a weaker threat to her success. Bella was clasped between Rey's hands and his spear dug into her throat. We didn't appear to have a chance to escape.

     "Let go, she's not worth it," Althea's warm breath rippled into my ear, her lips almost touching my neck as she whispered. I struggled to gain freedom from her grasp as she strangled my body tighter. Ottilie pulled tighter on the string of her bow and it inched further towards my temple.

     A stuttering cry came from Bella's mouth. She squirmed against Rey's arms and eventually broke free from him. He tried to retaliate but Bella's strength held him back.

     Then the chaos erupted.

SILVER  •  THE HUNGER GAMES ¹Where stories live. Discover now