| 30. FATE'S END

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NOBODY SAID A SINGLE WORD, yet everybody was fully aware as to what I asked

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NOBODY SAID A SINGLE WORD, yet everybody was fully aware as to what I asked. Their eyes were raised, brows scrunched in dissatisfaction and posture tightening down at my fragile frame. This look was of disappointment, but nothing in my head could link it to my wrong doings. All the people around me knew something I didn't, although I thought was the best if I left it alone. A part of me wanted to know. A part of me was erupting with fear. It must be important, I thought.

Bradley placed his hand on the small of my back, guiding me away from the cashmere curtains that separated us from the stage and Caesar, who remained perched on the egg chairs, chatting to the audience about something I couldn't care to hear. We entered a long corridor and my heels clattered against the smooth marble flooring. I slipped them off and carried them instead as my feet were already aching. Everyone continued in silence as we trekked further down the hallway and into what I remembered to be the train station platform, except it was quieter.

"It seems like we say goodbye here, Silver," I pivoted on my bare feet to see Saffra take a step towards me, accompanied by Magenta, Fleur and Fin. Before she could leave, I rushed up to her and hugged her. "I'll see you again; I bet District Ten's a lovely place." A train pulled up by the platform, screeching to a stop. Bradley climbed on whilst two Peacekeepers stepped off and he then reached for my hand.

"Here we go. Time to head home," he said tiredly as I accepted his offer.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Atlanta exclaimed as she trotted into the carriage, her ice blonde wig bobbing.

"Alright, keep your wig on," stated Bradley as he slouched down into a leather arm chair. "We're 3 days late because of you," he said as he turned at me as if he was about to say something he shouldn't have, "I'm surprised she hasn't exploded." Atlanta flashed Bradley a disapproving stare and I couldn't contain a enlightening smile. I hadn't smiled for what seemed like a lifetime and a half and I needed to smile more.

Sitting down on the opposite chair from Bradley, I removed the gold hair band that held my hair up in a styled ponytail and let it fall onto my shoulders. I had only woken up, from what could have been a coma if I slept longer, just over an hour ago but, I was exhausted. The stitches in my waist stung as I fidgeted in the chair to find a good position to fall asleep in. I doubted if I could ever fall asleep peacefully again.

Atlanta began tapping against the dining table in pure restlessness as she tried to jot down a couple of notes some sort of job application. She huffed as her wig kept slipping down her forehead every time she looked down at the fine sheets of paper. She didn't know I was watching, but I couldn't contain any laughter.

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