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     BOTH ALTHEA AND BLAISE began to attack James instantly

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     BOTH ALTHEA AND BLAISE began to attack James instantly. I ducked down in fear of colliding with either of them, but my eyes only met Ottilie's bright blue irises, staring intensely at myself. I could only imagine her eagerness to originated from the thrill of the fight, however, I eventually perceived that her focus was of fear. My eyes trailed down to her stomach and it bled a crimson red that I had never seen before. Her hands travelled down to the metallic object impaled into her body in doubt. Yet, as she did so, she fell back into the hands of Bella, who unmistakably masked the edge of her trident in blood.  A cannon boomed almost immediately after her impact with the sand and Otillie's untied blonde hair shadowed her face, leaving her to rest upon the golden ground in peace. Meanwhile, James used the only thing he could do to defend himself: light matches, as stupid as it might sound. He pulled it out of the backpack pocket and swiped the box and match together furiously. It developed a feeble flame, no bigger than my fingernail, as its smoke swirled into the air. Blaise snorted as he seized James' arms and twisted his body in mid-air, leaving the lit match to fester on the shrubberies.

     I was pushed onto the floor by an unknown force, landing next to Ottilie's wilting figure, and a heavy weight came down onto my waist. I clamped my eyes shut, blocking anything from hurting my vision and clenched my fists as someone kicked them into the sand. Eventually, the pain rocketed up my body and forcing my eyelids open, revealing the the person beating me down. Althea ripped her sword from its holder and pointed the sharp, shiny end into my neck. She bit her bottom lip angrily and, with daggers in her chestnut eyes, stared violently into mine.

     "I'm glad you're here with me now, Silver," she wickedly pronounced every word with a fragment of rebelliousness, almost like she was destined for an immediate victory. She stomped down on my lower leg harder, pressing her feet into the fragile space above my ankle. "You're going to be the best death of them all."

     I switched my view away from Althea's glare and diverted my attention towards Bella and James. They were both locked in Rey and Blaise's grasp, weak and away from their weapons. James' sapphire glint connected with mine, assuring me that everything was going to be okay. Although, I knew it wouldn't.

     Scattered across the near trees and bushes, bloodshot fire feasted on the shrubberies consuming the horizon of the Arena. The heat intensified, warmer than it was only a few minutes ago, warning me of the Capitol's intended actions. The finale was drawing to its end and closer to only one of us lasting the day.

     "You're heartless, Althea." Bella's voice was muffled in the blare of flames, but fierce none the less. Her words rasped through the air and hit Althea with surprise. "You think you're doing this for your District, but you're not. You're doing this because your selfish."

     And, like Althea had seen her worst nightmare come true, her body appeared to shrink in size. Releasing a sigh which seemed to empty her heart, her head turned to face Bella and her grip on me loosened. The green jungle which consumed her eyes watered, letting out the overheated mess of her emotions and leaving her posture weak.

     "I'm not doing this for myself, you ignorant coward." The silence corrupted in the sound of Althea's voice. It ached in sheer and pure pain. It was like you could genuinely hear her heart shattering, ripping apart into pieces of oblivion. "I'm doing this for my brother, my neighbours, and for my father to end my people's suffering." I could see her attempting to hide it, but I could have sworn that she was beginning to cry. Her eyes switched to a red inflammation, the pupils dilating at the thought of her home town and people.

     "It's terrible – where Al's part of the District Two is," Rey stepped in, still holding the handle area of his spear against Bella's neck as right as possible. "The houses are bland; the townspeople are starving."

     "The only tesserae our District claims is from our small village because greedy snobs from Two's centre aren't caring enough to share out the Capitol gain," Althea admitted, her pronunciation growing coarse with each new word, " – so don't try and sympathise with me, Rey. The only hope I've got is to bring home the reward."

     "I have to say," Bella interrupted, "Althea, it's very gallant of you, but now isn't the time for sob stories." Within seconds of her actions, a Bella twisted her body around and used her strength to push Rey's spear over her head. His slammed into his face without warning and she escaped from his grasp. Her hand grabbed her trident beside her and aimed itself towards the end of Althea's arm.

     And, at that moment lying on the floor, trapped by the blade of Althea's sword, I truly did not know what to do.

     Abruptly, in reaction to the sudden outburst of attacks, a thudding noise hit the ground and Blaise's body hit the floor. James released himself from Blaise's grip and kicked his countering punch. I wanted to fight from Althea's sword but her hands forged themselves around the handle tighter due to the battle erupting. There was no chance either Bella or I could help James now. He was on his own.

     A short gurgling noise came from James' mouth as Blaise tackled him into the rough shingle and sand. I was loosing him. Before long, Bella and Rey began to squabble, throwing punches to and from my direction. The heat again rose, the tip of my ears boiling in the weather. And at that moment, Althea raised her sword, aimed it at my throat and I knew that it was the beginning of the end.

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