Safe & Sound

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"I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'll never let you go"

Bucky watched as you danced around in the rain, somehow being a ray of sunshine even while standing in the darkest of places. You two were sent out on a mission and a big storm came and ruined your communication devices. After huddling up in an abandoned building the storm eventually turned into a gentle rain. You insisted on running into it because you 'just wanted to feel it on your face'.

He couldn't help but laugh as you pranced around on the pavement. "Come dance with me!" You yelled to him with outstretched arms. Bucky shook his head in amusement before jogging towards you. You and Bucky had become extremely close during this mission. The two of you were itching to confess your feelings but the fear of rejection stopped the both of you.

You wrapped your arms around his shoulders as he gripped your waist, lifting you up and spinning around. The sounds of your laughs were music to his ears. "Thank you." Bucky spoke over the rain while setting you back down.

You looked up at him with a puzzled expression as the rain fell perfectly upon your face. "For what?" You couldn't help but ask. This mission had left the both of you exhausted, in turn making the two of you a bit emotional. "For... trusting me, and caring for me."

Bucky could feel tears in his eyes and was thankful for the rain that was masking them. "You're my best friend, I'll always care for you." You smiled up at him, pushing the wet strands of his hair from his face.

"When all those shadows almost killed your light"

One month later and you were finally back home, but things between you and Bucky felt different. You felt more nervous around each other, constantly worried how you looked and acted. The team noticed it too and were placing bets on how long it would take for each of you to admit your feelings.

You were having trouble sleeping in your bed, after barely sleeping the entire mission you were restless. You sat in bed cuddled under a blanket reading. The soft glow of your lamp illuminating the room. You suddenly heard a quiet voice and with the amount of people in the compound you hadn't thought anything of it.

But once it continued, you bookmarked your place before tossing the blanket off of your body. Once setting foot in the hallway the voice sounded more like whispers, pained whispers. You immediately knew what the source was.

You stomach twisted in pain for Bucky, the nightmares were thankfully very scarce these days, but sometimes after missions he would become a bit paranoid. You approached his bedroom door and slowly turned the handle, trying to be quiet.

"Buck? Are you alright?" When your eyes finally adjusted to the dark room you could see that Bucky had awoken and was sitting upwards propped up on his metal arm. "I'm sorry did I wake you?" He asked with ragged breaths.

"No no I was up." You smiled playing with the ends of your sweatshirt sleeves. You slowly walked towards him, trying to gauge his reaction of you being here. "I uh- I just." Bucky wiped his hand over his face, "I know." He didn't have to tell you what happened for you to know he had another nightmare.

"I remember you said don't leave me here alone"

"Need me to grab you anything? Water?" You asked, sitting on the edge of his bed. He shook his head and gave you a tight lipped smile, "No, it's alright." You nodded before slowly standing up to leave. "Can, could you sleep in here? I mean only if you're comfortable, I can sleep on the floor I just-"

"Of course. You don't have to explain yourself." You rounded the bed, crawling into the side opposite him. You shimmied under the covers, sitting only mere inches from him.

"But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight"

After sitting in silence for a few minutes you rolled onto your side to face him. "When I was little and I couldn't sleep, my mom always knew just how to help." He turned his head towards you, smirking slightly.

"And what's that?" He truly smiled for the first time since you walked into his room. "She would play with my hair, knocked me right the hell out." You laughed smiling up at him. "So you wanna play with my hair?" Bucky asked amused. "Okay don't be weird, it might help."

"Just close your eyes, the sun is going down"

You sat up putting your back on the headboard and motioned for Bucky to come towards you. He gave you a look before rolling his eyes and complying. You pulled him towards you, placing his head on your chest.

You moved his arms to wrap around your body. He audibly sighed and relaxed into your touch. You softly ran your fingers through his hair as he listened to the steady sound of your heartbeat. "Wow, who knew." He chuckled and you could feel his chest moving on yours.

"I told you it feels good." You laughed with him as he snuggled his body closer to yours, feeling completely comfortable in your presence. You felt yourself growing tired as you continued to scratch his head.

"You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now"

You hadn't realized you fell asleep until a few hours later. You were stirred awake by Bucky moving. His breathing had picked up once again, sweat starting to form on his hairline. You groggily opened your eyes to adjust.

You could tell he was struggling, you immediately started rubbing his back soothingly, while also whispering to him, hoping it would get through. "You're okay Bucky, I'm here. No one will hurt you."

It truly was amazing for everyone to see how much Bucky had opened up to you. His past traumas made even the slightest of touches difficult for him. He was trained to fight, to kill. You were the first person he trusted with that kind of stuff. Not Steve, which didn't hurt his feelings, he was just happy to know that someone cared for Bucky the way he always had.

You placed your palm over his cheek rubbing your thumb lightly across. His breathing started to slow back to a normal and steady pace. "I'm here with you, always Buck."

"Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound"

A/N: I saw a Bucky tik tok  by @ jedibucky with this sound and it made me wanna write a quick little imagine :)

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