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It turns out I wasn't completely fine and have a small cut above my right eye, but given I face planted and slide about ten yards on my face, I'd say that's pretty good. Mobius had found a bandage nearby and is putting it on my eyebrow, "there, and with any luck, you'll have a bad ass scar."

I shake my head and chuckle a bit, "like I need another one of those."

"Yeah, but this one you got doing the right thing," Mobius smiles to me, almost as if he's proud.

"We have to find Loki."

As I stand I hear B-15 and D-90's meters going crazy, B-15 looks over hers and shakes her head, "no time. Someone just bombed the timeline."

I sigh, "that's why she took the reset charges."

"We have to get to one of those nexus events and reset it," Mobius starts to key away at his Tempad.

"We have to find Loki."

"We will," Mobius looks over to me, "after we fix the time line."

I shake my head and sigh again, Mobius opens a door and starts to go through it, but I don't move, "one of us have to go back to the TVA."

"Kamaria, if you think I'm gonna let you go after those Variants alone, you hit your head harder than I thought."

"He's right," B-15 nods, "no one is gonna let you go back alone."

"Then you're either gonna have to trust me to go alone or you can come with me. Because I'm going back to the TVA, with or without you."

Mobius looks down and around his feet for a moment, before nodding and looking up to me, "alright."

"Mobius!" B-15 protests. 

"No, no," he puts  a hand up to her. "She's my partner, and I trust her."

Mobius holds out his Tempad to me, "thank you," I smile, "I promise I won't let you down." I key up the Tempad to take me back to the TVA and walk through. When I get there the TVA is empty and quiet. Given that the two Variant's are Lokis there is only one place they'd go, the Time-Keepers. I take a deep breath before I head off toward the golden elevator that takes you to them, but as I make my way down a hall I find a group of Minute Men, many of whom are knocked out, but there are a few piles of dust, so I can only assumed a few got pruned. I pick up one of the Pruning Rods and continue down the hall. When I get close to the elevators I hear struggling and when I round the corner I see the two Lokis fighting one another. The two have each other by the arm, their focus on the other. "Hey!" I shout, getting them both to turn towards me.

Unfortunately, the wrong Loki takes advantage of this and grab's my Loki with his arm behind is back and her knife to his throat. "Come any closer and I'll kill him."

I start to march toward the two of them, "go for it. Saves me the trouble," I go to swing at the two Loki's, hoping to only hit one, but if I hit them both no one will be overly mad. But as I swing down, I loose my footing and the Lokis and I begin to fall. I soon come to a stop, assuming I hit the floor again when they opened a door, but I look around and notice I'm on an orange blanket and that the two Loki's are wrestling, most likely over the TemPad

"Get off my leg!" I hear the female Loki demand. I then hear the male Loki grunt before the female Loki shouts. When I look up, I watch as my Loki gets his head smashed into a poorly built metal table. The Lady Loki then stands, with the TemPad in her hand, "goodbye, Variant."

But as she tries to use it, I hear Miss Minutes, "you're out of juice."

"It's not working."

Then Loki stands, panting, and the two prepare to fight again. Lady Loki swings at Loki with the sword, but he disappears, since we are no long in the TVA he is able to use his magic. When he reappears he throws Lady Loki into the wall of metal shelving behind her. He then leans down and picks up the TemPad, "right."

Lady Loki lunges at him and tries to get the TemPad back,  "just give it back to me, you don't even know how to recharge it."

I stand up, a bit sore and a bit pissed that neither of them noticed I was even there, "no, but I do."

"Kamaria," Loki smiles. He quickly catches himself and clears his throat, "but I would be able to charge it anyway. You're not the only tech savvy Loki."

"Don't ever call me that," Lady Loki snarls.

"Tech savvy?"

"No, a Loki." She grabs for the TemPad, but Loki makes it disappear. "You're just fully a magician, then?"

"Fine. For my next trick, I'll make you disappear," a flash of green appears near Loki's hands and once it's gone his daggers have taken its place.

Lady Loki picks up her sword again and the two square up. "Oh, my God, just stop!" I shout, as I do something comes through the roof, exploding once it hits the ground.

Loki looks over to me confused, "was that you?"

I shake my head, and Lady Loki becomes very concerned, "where did you send us?" I move between the two Lokis and out of the tent that Lady Loki had been using as her home while in the timeline. When I walk out I see purple rocks everywhere, along with meteors, like the one that come through the roof, falling around me. "You idiot!" I turn as I hear Lady Loki shout, "this is Lamentis 1."

"What?!" I shout back.

"I don't know what that means," Loki looks around.

The three of us gasp and move back as a large meteor lands between us. I grunt as I shake my head, "Lamentis 1 is a moon that is destroyed when a nearby planet crashes into it."

We all begin to run, hoping to get out of the meteor shower, "of all of the apocalypses saved on that TemPad, this is the worst!" Lady Loki complains as we run. "No one makes it off here!"

"Then why did you save it?"

"Watch out!" Lady Loki pulls me back, causing me to narrowly miss a meteor, "your welcome."

"I'm sorry, madam," Loki groans, "didn't have time to scan the brochure." The three of us slide under a large truck, "by the way. I thought you wanted me dead."

"Yeah," I nod, "kind of curious why you saved me."

"I don't know where you hid that TemPad," Lady Loki looks over to Loki, "but if you blow up, it blows up, and then I end up blown up." She then looks to me, "and if you die, I don't think he'll give the TemPad back to me."

I look over to her a bit confused, "why would I matter?"

"Please," Lady Loki shakes her head and beings to look around, she then jumps up and points toward a building, "there!"

We begin running again and Loki feels the need to question why she's helping us, "so we're a team now?"

"Oh, God, no!"

"Get down!" I hear Loki shout, before pulling me back, much like Lady Loki did. But instead of letting me go, he pulls me into his chest.

I look into Loki's eyes for a moment, before the sound of meteors brings me back to reality and I push him away, "I didn't need your help!"

"You're so weird," Loki shouts after me as I start running. He soon passes me and Lady Loki, getting to the building before both of us and opens the door just in time for us to run in. Once we're all in he closes the door behind us.

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