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I don't remember much about my life before the TVA. In fact, I truly understood what Sylvie meant when she said she had only blips of memories. I couldn't tell you how long it had been since I was deemed a variant or how long I've been working for the TVA. I couldn't even tell you what time it is in this strange and seemingly timeless world. What I do know is it's been too long. I've spent too long here.

I think back to the morning I was brought in. I remember waking up and brushing my teeth, after spitting into the sink noticing a bruise on the side of my face. Going from my forehead to my jaw, but not covering my eye or cheek. Thinking about how I might have gotten it the night before. It was no surprise in my line of work, cuts and bruises are just an occupational hazard.

I don't know what I'm doing with my life. Fighting, killing, and doing nothing good for anyone. I remember walking out into the loft I had found to hold out in and started packing a bag. Planning on taking a man I had been seeing up on his offer to take me away from all this. He had been a way to kill time between jobs and now that my job there was done, I was just supposed to up and leave.

The TVA arrived shortly after I started packing. I remember fighting when they arrived, but they managed to take me in. When they get me in, I'm shoved into a room with a large smiling machine, that removes my clothes before dropping me down to the next level while I curse at it. When I land on the next level I'm surprised to find myself fully clothed again, now facing a man who is asking me to sign a stack of papers confirming that it is everything I've ever said. When I look at the top page it reads the profanities I had shouted up at the machine.

The next level is where I am met by a man and what looks like a metal detector. The man telling me to step through and asking if, to the best of my knowledge, I'm not a robot. I walk through the metal detector and see a flash, before the machine prints out a photo. The man telling me it's my temporal aura. Red and Magenta covering the outside of the photo, but the main color being an overwhelming pink.

I remember being confused as I walked through the facility, that oddly resembled the DMV. Making my way through a cue while listening to Miss Minutes talking about how the TVA and the creation of the sacred time line.

Everything I had gone through seems meaningless compared to what has happened.  Did Mobius save me so I could save Loki and Sylvie? So that I could go on to take down the TVA? Obviously he didn't know that was going to happen, but did whoever is controlling the time line plan on this, or am I truly just a cosmic joke. A cosmic disappointment. Which brings me to the question of what's waiting for me on the other side of being pruned? Or is this it? Being lost in my thoughts. Stick in my mind for an eternity, alone.

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