𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 6

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Ayden POV:
I felt really warm, I woke up and I was in the arms of Tyler, his arms were around my waist, I had squirtle to keep distance. But that only made him grip me close to his naked chest while my squirtle was tight close to me."Protect me Squirtle!" I thought to myself,"Squirtle won't save you dear٫" said Tyler٫ I blushed so much. Tyler thought it was funny that I blushed so much red after that. Xander and Danny were cooking while I was watching anime on the TV again, I was finishing watching demon slayer and I made it to the movie. Tyler was the alpha and I'm just a human girl from an ordinary life and now is living with an alpha."Baby sis, it's time to eat." My brother says, of course I would throw something at him and Xander would laugh his ass off. Tyler came and saw me watching demon slayer,"Ayden, please eat." He said and I would mumble a name,"shut up dumbass." I mumbled, he raised a brow at me and picked me up,"Let me down, what the hell man!!" I said, Tyler just laughed and I managed to kick him and pull away, I dashed off to a room and shut the door holding on to the knob.
Of course he found me,"SHIT!" I say underneath my breath,"Ayden, come out~" Tyler said. He's saying my name like he's tempting me.

I ran from the door and into the closet and held the knob as well, he busted into the room. I saw his shadow move,"Ayden, where are you, 𝓵𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻~" he said, it's like he wants me to come out. I never moved. I didn't make a sound. He turned into a wolf to sniff out my scent, holy shit, he's gonna track me down. He went to the closet where I was hiding, he tried turning the knob but thought it was locked, he turned around and darted to the door,"Ayden I know you're in there, come out." He said, I didn't answer, he darted at the closet door and got me out, he pinned me down as well,"Get the hell off me!" I say, the wolf just looked at me, I'm very stubborn a lot of times but I need to keep calm,"Get off!" I say, pushing him off me. I got up a walked away but he turned into his human form,naked again and grabbed me a pulled me down,"You're stubborn as hell" Tyler told me, I stuck my middle finger up at him,"Shut the fuck up, dude" I say sarcastically, Xander laughed and my brother sighed,"Damn sis, I've told you not to do that." Danny said, I pushed Tyler off again and almost walked off and he grabbed my arm,"Oh no you don't, Ayden." He said, I stuck my middle finger again and he grew shocked and pinned me to the wall..."You're a stubborn girl around an alpha," said Tyler,"Next time you pull a stunt like you did today, I won't hesitate to punish you." My eyes widened and dashed out the door and out of the house."Wow, Bro. You just made her runaway!" Xander said, Danny looked worried as hell,"She's always like this.. especially when I fight her a lot." Danny said, Xander went to find me, I was drawing while crying,"Stubborn, huh? Why can't he understand why I am what I am and it doesn't change a damn thing about me!" I say to myself. Xander told Tyler where I was. I came back after all the crying I did, I just walked past everyone, Tyler grabbed my arm, I almost slapped him,"Let go of me!" I say and pulled me into him."No, look I'm sorry" I pulled away and he lowly growled, I got out of his grasp and went to the room drawing my feelings out. I never came out of the room for days.

Tyler POV:
As I watched Ayden separate herself, I felt terrible of what I said." Danny, how often does she does this?" I asked, Danny looked at me and said,"After dozens of times I fight her; she always be stubborn and runaway to a place where she can cry. I never seen her sad in years, it's the first time that you guys know that she never cried when people were around." I had no idea... I made her upset with me. I need to make it up to her.

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