𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 32

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Lucas POV:
Xander, Tyler, and I took Ayden to the lake, she sat on the sandy shore of it, I asked her if she wanted to join in, she nodded, I helped guide her feet in the water."It's ok Aya, I got you" I say and she got really nervous, Tyler came,I got this Lucas, go hang with Xander" he said and I nodded, Tyler and Ayden got out of the water,"So what's wrong moonflower?" He asked and she shook her head,"Nothing" she said,"Hey guys We'll be right back" he said and took Ayden with him. Xander looked at me,"Lucas, don't worry, he knows something's wrong with Ayden." He said and I nodded at him, Ayden is always looking on the bright side, but deep down; you can see where she's hurting at. But she never gave up, Tyler always knew what was wrong. Ayden may look happy on the outside, but the inside; she's hurt by what happened still...the rouge of a brother kept writing to her and she burn or rip the letters up. She's being traumatized by what he did. But whatever happens I'll always treat Ayden like she's my own sister no matter what.

Xander POV:
Lucas and I swam around until Tyler and Ayden got back,"Sorry we took long, Ayden's being stubborn as always" he said and Ayden punched him in the chest and glared like she's telling Tyler to shut up, I noticed that she's wearing his hoodie,"Tyler any idea of why she's wearing your hoodie still?" I asked and he told me that shes wearing a bathing suit but she doesn't want any one to see what her body actually looked like without the hoodie. But I don't blame her, she doesn't want attention and my brother is a alpha. I grabbed Ayden's hand and ran towards the water, of course I splashed her,"Xander, cut it out" she says and splashed me back, Lucas laughed,"Get him, Aya" he says, Aya was a nickname for Ayden and he calls her that for short too, Ayden was feeling her life being changed because her smile got back,"Ah! Tyler put me down!" She yelped, Lucas lifted me also,"What the spells man!" I say, Tyler laughed and I looked at Ayden, I got off of Lucas and freed Ayden,"Hahahah, now you can't get us" I say running with her, Lucas and Tyler chased us with water guns,"Chicken!" Ayden teased and gave them the L, she started to run faster that anyone. Tyler dashed in front of her making her slam hard into him until he fell."Damn" he says weakly,"Sorry" Ayden said, Lucas laughed because Tyler fell and I snickered. Ayden got off of Tyler fast,"I'm sorry" she says quietly and Tyler moved a piece of her hair behind her ear,"I love you, moonflower" he said and she playfully shoved him,"I know" she says, Lucas, Tyler, Ayden and I admired the sunset until we all went home.

"Ayden, come with me" Tyler said grabbing her hand and took her to his room, Lucas and I headed to my room,"Here you can borrow my clothes for tonight and my bathroom is over there." I say and Lucas pulled me to him,"I ain't showering by myself" and Lucas made me shower with him, after that I put on half of my clothes on because I didn't feel like wearing a shirt, I got in bed and went to sleep, Lucas laid down and went to sleep too.

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