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Danny POV:
I went to go wake up my sister but I saw her sleeping on Tyler's chest,"Awwww, they're so cute." I thought, I went to work and told Xander and Tyler to watch over my sister while I'm gone. And if anything happens they have to get me.
After I came home I saw Tyler sleeping and Xander playing with Ayden on her PS4,"Come on why can't I beat you?!" Xander says and I said,"Because she's too good, Xander. She started playing video games at 11 and she even defeated me for her first try." Xander was amazed and Ayden's decided to let him win,"See, I got good because I practiced to beat my boasting brother." Ayden said with sarcasm,"Hey!" I yelled and Ayden was right I was boasting and she defeated me in every match too.

𝑋𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑂𝑉:
I was surprised that Ayden let me win and I hugged her,"Thank you Ayden!" I say and she hugged back,"Go hang with my brother, I'll be fine." She said and I nodded. I went to Danny and he saw me,"Hey Dan" I say and he looked at me,"Hey Xander, what's up?" Danny asked and I told him that Ayden said I can hang with him,"Hahaha, Damn my sister is always watching over me, but she's right. I have been working a lot lately." He said and I came over to him,"Do you need help, I can get Ayden." I said, he shook his head,"Nah, I want my sister to enjoy her life, she's still young but a little help would be great." He said and after we finished the work, Danny fell asleep on my shoulder, soon after I fell asleep as well.

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