𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 29

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Tyler POV:
I woke up on the floor, and I saw Xander with Lucas,"Whoa Bro, before you go rampaging, Ayden didn't know you were in heat and you licked her neck, she judoka slammed you face flat on the floor." Xander said and I blushed,"Damn it, my wolf must've gone out of control." I say,"Dude, don't be mad at Ayden, she didn't know and besides she's already red." Lucas said and Xander told me that Lucas adopted Ayden as his sister now and they've gotten really close as siblings. I went to find Ayden, and when I found her, she was reading manga series,"moonflower, what are you reading?" I asked and she looked at me,"I'm reading Inuyasha" she said and I carried her and she yelped,"Put me down!" She said and I took her to our room and pinned her on the bed."Xander told me you judoka slammed me face flat to the floor but I'm not mad, you didn't know that I was in heat." I say and she gave a stubborn look,"Well I'm sorry, you licked my neck and what else did I have to do if I didn't? Your wolf will start going crazy." She said and I got up and grabbed my hoodie, I tossed it at her,"Starting today, you'll wear my hoodie without anything underneath, that means you can't wear your clothes." I say and she looked at me,"Dude that was only one time I wore your hoodie while I was naked and I ain't doing that again." Ayden said and I got close to her face,"Wanna bet?" I say and she looked determined,"Yea, you're playing Mk11; If I win, I will keep my clothes on." She said and I responded,"And if I win, you have to wear my hoodie naked." And she nodded,"Deal" she said and got up. Xander wondered what the heck was going on,"Bro, what'd you do?" He asked and I told him,"I made a bet with Ayden." And he looked at me,"And what happens if you win?" He asked and I told him that she has to wear my hoodie naked. And Xander gave a blank face,"Dude, if she beats you up, don't come cryin' to me" he said and I nodded.

After the bet, Ayden went to go take a bath, and I went in, She hit me real fast,"Bruh honestly, say something before I almost hit you." She said, and I ruffled her hair,"Ok I promise" I say. When she finished the bath, I dried her hair while she sat with me on the bathroom floor,"Moonflower, look at me" I say and she looked at me a little embarrassed that she was naked in front of me,"I love you, but if Danny ever comes near you, I'll never let him lay another finger on you again, alright?" I say and she nodded,"He probably wishes I was dead. I'm dead to him now, but I'll never forgive him either after he said he was gonna slash my face to ribbons." She said with a worry, I kissed her forehead,"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen" I say and caressed her face, I gave her my hoodie and she wore it. We went to bed, Ayden's hair changed from her original color to vibrant red, I felt her small hand on my wrist I got out of bed,"Please stay" I heard her whisper, I smiled and nodded,"Ok I'll stay" I said and got back in bed, she lied awake,"Ayden, do want to tell me what's wrong?" I asked her, she shook her head, not wanting to tell me."Moonflower, I know what's going on; you think you're the worst sister to him, but I know that isn't true, he's a stupid brother for not realizing what he's doing that's harming his own sister. But you have Lucas because he's a better brother and he doesn't want anything to happen to you either. Don't be sad ok?" I say to her and she nodded, I caressed her hair until she fell asleep.

Lucas POV:
After everything that happened, Xander and I were watching movies, we were watching 𝓟.𝓢. 𝓘 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾. And Xander cried during the ending,"The man dies, that's heartbreaking." He said and I kissed his head,"I know it is" I got up and went to the bedroom and Xander was behind me."Xander is everything ok?" I asked and he just nodded,"Yea" he said and I touched his face and he moaned,"What the hell, you're in heat. And you still have Danny's mark" I say and he replied,"I don't want his heckin' mark anymore, Danny is a freaking coward." What Xander said was right and I could help but nod, I looked at Xander and said,"Ok I'll mark you instead, but we need to be quiet because your brother can hear it all." I say and Xander took his clothes off,"Damn, you could've waited.. and now you're making my wolf crazy" I say.

Xander kissed me and he pinned me,"Just tell me when, I won't rush you." I say and Xander started kissing my neck and marked me,"Oh so you want me to mark you now,huh?" I asked and pinned him this time,"You know you were waiting for this, Xander." I say, and Xander looked at me,"Lucas, mark me, make me yours" he said and I kissed his neck, then I marked him. Xander started removing my clothes too, and I blankly stared at him,"Xander?" I say,"Are you sure about this, because I won't stop even if you tell me to." And Xander nodded,"Just do it" he said and I kissed him back this time.
*Few minutes later*
It was midnight and I grew tired and went to sleep, Xander was out cold. I went to sleep but I felt Xander's arms around me, I looked back at him and smiled,"Mischievous" I say and went back to sleep.

Xander POV:
This morning, I woke up all numb,"Agh, what happened?" I say, my memory was groggy and I saw Lucas,"That's because you did the mating process with me, Xander. You were in heat." Lucas said and I blushed,"What the fuck" I say and he got up,"Dude I ain't mad, I'm just surprised, but I love you Xander, just tell me when you do stuff like this." He said and I noticed I marked him,"Lucas, did I do that?" I asked and he told me that I did mark him, he marked me back. I turned red,"We'll at least we ain't gonna lie to Ayden now, she'll be upset if we did." I say and Lucas nodded,"I'll talk to her" he said and I realize that I loved Lucas because he's not a jerk and he treats Ayden more like a sister.

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