𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 12

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Tyler POV:
As I heard Ayden strum her guitar, I watched her play a little melody."Ayden?" I said, she turned around,"Oh it's just you.." she said looking down at her guitar between her legs,"What's wrong, Ayden? Do you want to talk about it?" I asked and she nodded, "it was a nightmare about Mom and Dad, although I haven't met them, they think that I'm the reason that all of this happened and blamed me for being born completely human... my brother is a werewolf but he doesn't want to hurt me with his form and..." she couldn't bring herself to talk anymore; I comforted her into my bare chest."It's ok, don't listen to those nightmares, they only want the negative about you" I say and she nodded.
Next morning, I saw Ayden sleeping peacefully, her head was on my chest and her arms were around me."My moonflower is sleeping" i said to myself
Mate was crying from her nightmares last night...do something to cheer her up. Will told me.
It's not that easy, Will, sure she may be hurt but I will not let it happen. Then I cut the link with my wolf and slowly got out of bed to play Ayden's guitar, and then suddenly I felt sparks when she smiled in her sleep,"She's loving the sweet melody." I say to myself and continued to strum her guitar and went back in bed with my beautiful moonflower."She's beautiful when she sleeps" I thought. I brought her head back on my chest and I fell asleep feeling sparks between me and Ayden, her soft and gentleness made my heart flutter. Later on at midnight I felt that Ayden wasn't in bed with me, I went to find her and I found her in a towel, she threw some stuff at me,"G-get out!" She whisper-yelled to me,I went over to her and picked her up bridal style. She yelped and I placed her on my bed looking for a T-shirt that she can wear, I gave her a pair of my clothes and turned around, she wore my clothes and hugged me by my torso.

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