"Alright, anymore suitcases?" Marco asks obviously tired.
I shake my head in a 'no' motion.
I grabbed my carry-on and began pushing my suitcase to the front door.
It felt good to be back in California, although I would most definitely miss Seattle.
I felt the weight of my suitcase leave my hands as a familiar scent made its way to my nose.
"You seem awfully tired," he said now pushing my suitcase for me.
"I am tired. Thank you anyway," I say.
"The flight wasn't even that long," he comments.
"I'm aware of that but still, I'm just tired," I shrug.
"I thought you liked Seattle," he says.
"I do!" I answer enthusiastically.
"Then why do you seem so glad to leave?" He questions.
I shrug my shoulders.
I really didn't have an answer to that, I didn't even realize how content I was leaving Seattle.
I reach the door to Sophia and I's townhouse and I began unlocking the door.
The familiar scent of air freshener attacks my nose and I instantly feel at home.
I pull my suitcase to the couch and instantly lay down and sigh.
"Feels good to be home," I sigh.
"You're telling me," Leo mocks my actions.
"I've missed my bed," Sophia Alice smiles.
"This is all lovely but can you guys help bring the bags in so we can go home?" Marco asks.
He seems to be in a hurry.
"What's the hurry?" I ask sitting up.
Felix smirks and stares at Marco.
"Enlighten us, Marco. What is the hurry?" He teases.
Marco's cheeks start to turn a bright shade of pink and he looks down.
My hands cover my mouth in shock.
"Oh my God Marco! Do you have a girlfriend?" I ask.
"Not a girlfriend. Although they have been hanging out a lot," Felix smiles.
"Oh," my shoulders flatten in disappointment.
I should've known that Marco and Felix still weren't mature enough to finally settle down with someone.
"So besides Sophia, nobody in this house is in a relationship. That's interesting to say the least," Leo comments.
From the corner of my eye I can see Marco tense a bit.
Sophia Alice and Chris's relationship was still something that Marco didn't really approve of.
He obviously had to get over it but despite still remaining close with Sophia, his relationship with Chris, let's say, altered.
Not to the point where they're uncomfortable around each other, but to the point where Chris is identified more as Sophia's boyfriend instead of Marco's best friend.
If it wasn't for Chris's familiarity with our family for years, I think Sophia wouldn't be dating Chris.
"We could get significant others if we wanted to. We just don't want to," Felix says.

The Protected One
Action"You left me in there. You stabbed me in the back! I sobbed. "I WOULD STAB MYSELF A HUNDRED TIMES IN THE BACK, STOMACH, AND HEART BEFORE I EVER STAB YOU IN THE BACK." He yells. "THEN WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME? I ask. ------ Frankie Karol lives with her...