B e B r a v e

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He takes a seat on my bed.

"Frayhani, it was never meant for you to find out this way. Since the day I was put in charge of you all, I've always felt the need to make sure you all were protected." He starts.

"You guys' safety was always my main priority. No matter what. So I felt as if keeping you and Sophia Alice in the dark about us was best. But clearly it wasn't."

"It makes you guys an easy target, unprotected, and vulnerable." He says.

"And I'm sorry for that." He says looking into my eyes.

"How could you not tell us our family is involved in the mafia? How did this even happen?" I ask

"It all goes back to our birth parents, Frankie. Each and every one of ours. Even Caleb and Brianne." He says.

The people that adopted us and basically left us on our own.

"Who were those guys? I ask my voice barley above a whisper.

"The Spanish mafia. Allies of the mafia who wants to see us fail the most."

"What do they want with me?" I ask

"They want revenge, Frankie. They want to see each and everyone of our parents dead. " He says.

"Which also leads to other things. Francesca and Armani didn't abandon you. It wasn't their choice. Everyone in this house wasn't adopted at random like you think they were. It was all for you guys protection."

"What about yours? I ask him.

"Same as you guys. Except that Dylan, Tomas and I are now old enough to take on bigger responsibilities.

"Responsibilities? Like what."

"That's for another day." He simply responds.

"Are mom and dad really lawyers? I ask.

"No. They're with us." He says.

"I know you hate it when they're not around, but they are actually putting up a hell of a fight for your safety. All of ours.' He tells me.

I stayed quiet debating on asking my last question.

In all things honesty, I was scared to.

"Do you kill? What about innocent people?

He takes a long pause.

"I never harm innocent people." He simply says before getting up and closing the door behind him.

I sigh and check the time.

It was almost 11:30 pm.

Xander and I had been talking for a while.

I got out of bed and changed into my pajamas.

I grabbed my pillow and made my way into Sophia Alice's room.

She turned her head.

"I can't sleep alone tonight. I just can't." I shake my head.

She nods her head and pulls me into a hug.

"I can't either." She whispers.


Sorry for the short chapter, just wanted to explain a few things.

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