C l o s i n g s

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I stared at my reflection in awe.

It seems like it was only yesterday that I was graduating high school, and today I'm graduating college.

It all went by incredibly fast.

"I'm so proud of you Frankie," her voice says from a distance.

I turn around to see Sophia standing at the door.

"I'm so nervous I can't even think about about graduation," I sigh.

She grabs onto my hand.

"Tonight's going to be hard Frankie. It definitely will. If I know anything, it's that they'll come around. They always do," she says.

"It still could go really bad," I say.

"I thought Dylan.."

"I've told him a few things. He's very in the middle about my plans but he didn't object. He just doesn't know the details at least," I say.

"Don't worry about that right now. Right now is one of the happiest moments of your life. Enjoy that," she says.

I nod my head.

"You have 7 minutes before you have to report to the auditorium. Get in there before you're late," She tells me.

With once last look in the mirror, I smile and force any thought of what may happen tonight outside of my brain.

"I did it!" I shout happily as I run into Xander's arms.

"I'm proud of you kid," He says while embracing me tightly.

"Thank you," I smile.

I smile and say 'thank yous' as I hug everyone until I get to Claude.

I was unsure if he was here because he felt like he had to be here or if he genuinely wanted to be here.

Regardless, I embrace him.

If I were to look back on this day, I would terribly regret not getting along with Claude.

"Thanks for coming," I tell him.

"I told you I wouldn't miss your graduation for anything," he says lowly.

When we pull away I stare at him, confused.

"There was a rough patch, we talked it out. No need to drag it on any longer," he says referring to our phone call last night.

"Thank you so much for forgiving me," I smile.

"You've been my person since elementary school, Frankie. Bumps in the road won't change that," he explains.

I once again hug him.

"Who is ready to eat cause I know I am," Marco questions.

"I am so ready to eat," Sophia smiles.

"Let's go. We rented out the venue for you Franks," Felix says.

If this was any other day, I would have been excited to hear that.

I was kind of hoping us being in public wouldn't stop them for making a scene if they were to have one.

There goes that idea, looks like I'm going to have to improvise.

I force a smile as we all begin to walk to the parking lot.

"Congratulations," he says lowly.

I look to my side.

"Thanks Leo. I'm really glad you're here," I smile.

He shrugs his shoulders.

"Of course," he smiles briefly.

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