Chapter Thirteen | Broken*

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~George's P.O.V~

Dreamer disappeared after telling George of the attack he had planned, George was confused.

What did the Dreamer have planned and was he going to be a part of it?

George sighed, letting his head fall. He hadn't slept since he heard of the attacks, the innocent lives that will be killed for just showing up somewhere, only because Dreamer wanted to.

George knew he would never understand the Dreamer and maybe that was okay, he didn't want to know what went through the mind of the killer.

George didn't expect to see Dreamer, but he walked in just as George was attempting to sleep.

Dreamer freed him, cuffing him and taking him through the hall, George kept his head forward. George didn't know where he was going, but he was hoping it would lead to his death.

George struggled, peering at the sign, 'The Chomper.' "Calm down George! They can sense your fear," Dreamer spoke, slight worry in his voice.

George watched the group, sitting waiting for any command, Dreamer patted the closest dog which leaned into his touch.

"This is Rix, he's the leader of the group, he likes the heart's personality," The Dreamer spoke proudly of his prized worker.

George cringed, Rix barked until Dreamer quieted him. He listed the dogs, ending with the newest member Kardac. Kardac was very vocal compared to the rest. Dreamer sat George down while the Shepherds watched him.

George was very on edge; he knew they would bite at any given time, "Also I wouldn't try to pet them, they are trained to bite anyone that isn't me," Dreamer chuckled, filling up their bowls.

They kept an eye on George the whole time, he refused to move a muscle just in case they attacked him.

Dreamer placed down the bowls before walking back to George, sitting down next to him.

Out of nowhere, something in one of them snapped and they bolted towards George, before they were able to catch George, he heard a gunshot and a cry of a dog being shot.

Dreamer rushed over to George, looking him over, helping him up before looking back at the dog who laid on the floor whimpering in pain, he was shot in the shoulder.

Dreamer crouched over the dog, "Finn, you know better than to disobey commands," Dreamer shook his head before aiming at the dog's head.

There was a yelp before the dog laid still, a puddle of blood surrounding him. George covered his face before beginning to cry, Dreamer killed the dog without mercy...

George could see The Dreamer approaching him before pulling him into his chest.

George held him tightly, catching the eyes of the German Shepherds who had gathered around their friend's body. Kardac nuzzled him, hoping for some kind of reaction, but he was gone.

Kardac whimpered towards George, Dreamer let go, bending down in front of Kardac. "You touch George you die, understand me Kardac?" Dreamer threatened, Kardac let his ears drop, sitting down in front of Dreamer, telling him he would listen.

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