Chapter Fourteen | Rescue

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~Dream's P.O.V~

Dream inspected the bombs he chose, he was ready. Dream hadn't gotten anything else from the FBI, possibly because they were preparing for Dreamer's attack.

No matter what they tried they couldn't stop both Dreamer's attacks. They might know about his first, but they have no idea it's just a decoy to the real one.

Usually Dreamer had never left his facility to do work for himself. Most of the time it was up to Techno, but due to Sapnap's death and Techno's capture he was left with doing this alone, but Dream had full confidence he would get away with his attacks.

He made his way to George's room, George sat up looking Dreamer in the eye, well mask eyes. He pushed in a table with a TV standing on it, plugging it in, "Now don't break the TV, I'll know and kill you when I get back," George knew he was dead serious.

Dream left the room, going back to the Bomb Room to grab everything he needed, he carried the bags, taking them to his truck. He jumped in the front, driving to the first location, the location which was unknown to the cops, the biggest mall in his area.

He opened the door to his car, grabbing a bag and placing the bomb inside, he hopped on his computer, shutting down the security before looping it. Dream had to act fast, or he would get caught.

He finished the rest of the security precautions, he brought his hand to his mask touching it, they would know it was him as soon as he entered.

Dream let out a sigh, he wasn't going to take off his mask, he would have to shoot anyone who realized him after he placed the bomb.

Dream had prepared for this, but it made him frustrated because they would know his basic structure which the Behavioral Analysis Unit would use to find him if he didn't kill all who saw him.

Dream punched his seat, he left the car, slamming the door, he would try his best to keep his head down.

The shoppers were quite busy today, he had picked a good time. He smiled to himself.

This is going to be fun!

Dream had looked over the mall blueprints several times to know exactly where he needed to go so he could get in and out quickly.

He kept his head down, following the path he had planned out. Dream thought about changing his outfit, but couldn't decide if he wanted to be seen or not so he just decided to wear his usual, they have never exactly seen what Dream looked like outside of the clip the FBI saw.

Dream had full control over the bomb and when it exploded, so if not or if they did give him Techno, he would set them off.

Dream had set the decoy bomb prior to informing the FBI of his plan and he would set it off just a few minutes before the main to get their attention off of the other.

Dream had decided that if they brought Techno he wouldn't set off the decoy, but he would be forced to shoot all thr FBI at the location to keep his identity secret.

Dream arrived at the location, climbing into the vents, setting up the bomb, it didn't take him long at all. He left pretty quickly, as he got to the exit, someone caught his eye,

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