Chapter Sixty | Favor

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George paced around his room, regret was all he was feeling. How could he just tell Dream he would do whatever he wanted? George knew it was a horrible idea but he was also desperate.

All George knows is Dream, he never socializes anymore unless it's right before their dead but even then George can't talk to them unless he wanted the backlash. He understood that Dream was possessive, he just wished he could socialize like any other human.

George heard the door unlocking revealing Dream. Dream seemed clean, no sign of blood to be seen. "Dream.." George mumbled. Dream smiled bringing George into a hug. "My precious Georgie." Dream gushed.

"How are you feeling?" Dream pulled away. George didn't respond only stare at him as if that was a valid answer. "Hmm not talkative today, that okay you ready to do what you owe me?" Dream, held his chin. George shook his head.

When could he ever be ready?

"That's okay, it won't be too difficult." Dream grabbed his wrist pulling him up, he stumbled on his hurt leg. "I want you to meet someone." Dream released his chain cuffing him. Dream led him out into the hall.

Where was he going now?

The walk wasn't far and all the doors had labels, he must have done work while George was tied to the stand. They went through a door labeled "Break room" inside they were greeted by a long blue haired person wearing a mask similar to Dream's they had a rainbow patch on their shoulder.

"This is Rye, we go way back!" Dream patted Rye's shoulder. Rye held out their hand to shake George's hand but Rye's arm was smacked away. "DO NOT-" Dream took a deep breath, "Touch him." Rye scratched the back of their head, "My bad, I just thought-" She was once again interrupted by Dream. "No"

Rye dropped it, "Rye will be helping you with my favor, I got some work to do around the facility." George raised his eyebrow confused.

Dream never trusted anyone to be around George without dying? Who exactly is Rye?

"Cool!" Don't worry about it Dreamer, we got this." They turned to George who was still very confused.

This didn't seem as bad as he expected and that scared him.

"Well, have fun! Rye your in charge" he walked towards them causing them to back up into the wall. "If you hurt him, if anyone hurts him, I will have your head." Rye nodded their head clearly terrified. "Good" Dreamer left the room leaving George and Rye to themselves.

"He talks about you all the time." Rye spoke getting George's attention. He didn't know if that was a good or bad thing. "Didn't think he would ever care about anyone" Rye sighed.

"Who- Who are you?" George usually wouldn't talk but Dream seemed to trust them. "I was his old parent type person, I took him in when he was much younger, just getting his barring."

George was amazed, she had been around long before George and he was just learning this now?

Rye motioned George over to the couch, they both sat down before George spoke. "What, happened? Why is he- like this?" George asked Rye, if he knew more maybe he can help Dream understand what he's doing wrong.

"His parents were terrible, he murdered them all, ever since then he had been killing." Rye paused, "I tried to get him not too when he moved in but he's not one to listen." Rye sighed.

"What's his name? Real name? What does he look like, he says he showed me but I can never remember." George sighed. "I wish I knew he had the mask since I met him, never seen it off." George nodded his head. "He's always gone by Dreamer I have zero idea what his real name is. Anyways, he told me you owe him a favor but he didn't tell me what so honestly, I have no clue what we are supposed to be doing." Rye sounded confused. "Sitting hear and talking wasn't the favor?" George asked confused, Rye shrugged.

The door opened revealing Dream, "Had fun?" He chuckled. George and Rye looked at each other confused. "Wha- What do you want me to do Dream?" George asked. "Oh! My bad! This was just a socialization! Your favor is now." Dream turned to Rye.

"Good seeing you Rye, you can find your way out right?" Rye nodded their head. Rye was about to leave tell Dream stopped her. "Next time Rye, don't talk to George." He finished grabbing George's cuffed hands and taking him back to his room. Dream sighed, "Your terrible at tests" George was confused.

Meeting Rye was a test?

"What do you want from me Dream." George sighed. "Do you love me George." Dream asked catching George off guard. He didn't know what to say? Part of him loved Dream but the other was terrified. "I- I do, I'm just.. you hurt me Dream." George answered afraid of the backlash.

"I hurt you because I love you." Dream caressed his cheek. George shook his head, "But people who love each other doesn't hurt each other?" George frowned. "I'm not like the others" Dream grabbed his hand. "My version of love is more." George pulled away only to be pulled by his waist.

"Oh my Georgie, you'll never understand." Dream pulled him closer wrapping his hands around him, "Love is painful sometimes." He rocked George in his arm. George didn't pull away instead just melted into his arms.

"Not like this." Dream flipped him around staring into his eyes. "Only I can love you George." He cupped his chin pulling him into a kiss. George instantly melted. He knew it was wrong to feel this way about him after everything but George was to far gone to notice how toxic the relationship actually was.

"Can I?" Dream brought out his pocket knife. George instantly pulled away. "Please can we just. Do this?" George frowned, for once Dream listened putting his pocket knife away.

Everything in Dream was telling him no but there was a glimpse of hope that George might be okay with it. "George." Dream spoke nervously catching George off guard.

Dream never showed this much volubility?

"Dream? What's wrong?" George pulled away. "I know I should get a favor from you but I would rather have a yes or no..."


Hi shitheads! Here we go again another late late chapter! I'm trying man! I got my first twitch paycheck a little while back so I'm very happy! If you want to support me fully do check out my twitch account OnyxButNot_ love y'all more soon hopefully!

Stay calm, Stay alive

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