Chapter Eighteen | Recorder

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~George's P.O.V~

Doctor's walked in and out of George's room, trying to socialize with him, but George didn't speak a word, as he was told.

George would wait for Dream...

Every time they attempted to touch George he would scurry away, eventually they noticed how the light bothered him, so they would turn it off when not invading George's space.

George couldn't lie, he was hungry, but more than anything, he missed Dream...

George had been with Dream for years, that's what the doctors had told George. They tried everything possible to get some information out of him, but he wouldn't budge.

Eventually, George got more comfortable in the room that when the doctors were gone, he found a remote, turning on the TV. George perked up when he saw Dream on the screen.

"Serial Killer and Kidnapper Dreamer had been caught earlier this week, his rein of terror now over." The news person spoke into the mic, showing his masked captor, and boyfriend, Dream in a jumpsuit, but he still wore his mask.

"Though captured, only one person was found alive, George Davidson. It is believed that The Dreamer had a romantic connection to the boy, who now resides in the Tampa General Hospital. He currently refuses to talk or take any type of treatment." The girl was joyful, which upset George.

How could she be happy when George was suffering without Dream?

The door opened and George switched of the TV, rushing to his corner which had called home since he arrived at the hospital.

The doctor turned on the lights, dimming them so they could somewhat see George's face, the light being dimmed didn't bother George, however the doctor made him uncomfortable.

"Hey George, how are you feeling?" He crouched down from a safe distance. George glared at him, biting his nails.

"We really need to look you over, make sure we take care of any wounds?" They pointed to his neck which was bandaged, possibly from Dream drinking from him only a few days ago.

George gently hovered his fingers over the wound, he could almost imagine Dream's presence against his neck.

George shook his head, only Dream could touch him... Only Dream could calm him... George let his tears fall, bearing his head in his arms.

"George, it's okay, you're safe, we promise you." The doctor used a hush voice, which just made George cry more. The doctor sighed, "I'll leave you to calm down, but we really need to take care of your wounds George."

When the lights were turned off and the door closed the door behind him, George lifted his head, wiping the tears away with his arm. George's legs shook as he stood, he was tired, he debated going to his bed, but shook his head glaring around the room.

Maybe he could escape and find Dream himself?

George's mind was made. He opened the door slowly, peeking out, the workers were busy and weren't paying any attention to where George stood. He shuffled out of the door and walked through the halls, trying to act causal.

George was almost out of the building, when they finally noticed him. George bolted to the door, rushing out of the hospital, and taking off through the streets.

George could only run so fast, he was used to being crammed in the same room for days, even weeks at a time, but eventually, security caught up with him, wrapping their hands around his waist.

George kicked and screamed in their grasp, but a needle was injected into his neck, causing him to lose all the energy he once had. He could almost swear he saw Dream in front of him with his smile mask.

George wished it wasn't a hallucination, but he knew it was. George let himself sleepily think about Dream's mask, his touch, his love...


George woke up in the hospital bed in a gown.

They had touched him.

He jumped out of the bed, rushing to his corner, at least there he felt safe. George was cut out of his thoughts by the yelling in the halls, the noises effected George.

Too loud!

George covered his ears but was quickly interrupted when he felt hot breath on his skin and he flinched before catching the eyes of a German Shepard.

Dream's dog?!?

The doctors rushed in and without thinking, George pulled the dog into his lap, and out of the reach of the doctors and officers. They glared at George and the dog. The dog growled protectively over George, as if he was Dream himself.

George glared from officers to doctors, until the doctor stepped forward. "Is he yours?" George didn't know what to say at first, the dog was the last thing George had of Dream.

George nodded his head, and they glared at the dog who leaned against George. He held onto the dog weakly. "Pets aren't allowed in the building." One of the officers stepped forward.

The doctor stopped them from getting towards the dog. "It's alright officers, it might be good for George to have something familiar..."

They nodded their heads, leaving the room. George let go of the dog, who sat next to him. The doctor watched the dog closely, he had calmed down now, knowing that they weren't going to hurt George.

"He's your responsibility, if you can't keep him under control, he will have to leave." The doctor sighed and George nodded his head. The doctor turned around, leaving the room.

George turned to the dog who turned towards him, and George noticed the lime green collar along with a silver tag around the dogs neck. The dog got up, walking over to George, who was confused. The dog sat in front of him, allowing him to grip the tag in his hands.

He inspected the tag. "Kardac." It had a skull on it. It was Dream's newest dog, possibly the only survivor out of his pack. He turned the tag around. "Property Of  The Dreamer." with his signature smile.

It was Dream's dog!!!

George smiled sadly at the dog who nudged him. The dog missed Dream, almost as much as George did.

George noticed a small compartment on the dogs collar, he opened it carefully and out dropped a small recorder. George inspected the object for a bit before hitting a small button on the side. It spoke.

"Hello Georgie" Dream's voice perked George up as he inspected the recorder. "I'm sure if you got this, I've been captured, never thought that would happen." Dream wheezed.

"Anyways, I let Kardac leave the facility early in order to find you once I was gone." Dream didn't seem any different than when George last talked to his captor.

"Kardac will watch over you until I get you back, which I will." Dream paused for a quick second. "Anyways, I got a few rules I would like you to stick to while I'm gone, is that alright?"

George tilted his head, even with Dream gone he was still in control over George. "Rule one, Don't say anything about me, or the work done at the facility, we don't want any snooping!"

"Rule two, don't speak unless I tell you to. I taught you that quite well so I expect you to keep that up!" Dream chuckled. "Rule three, take care of Kardac, if something happens to him, you will be punished." Dream was demanding, as usual, even just in a recording.

"Rule four, behave! Don't be a rebel. I know how you like to be troublesome, but I'm not there to keep you in check, so don't be stupid,"

"Now, I'll be back soon, until then, take care of yourself... I will see you again... I love you Georgie... always..." Dream's voice was hushed and a tear fell from George's face as he pulled the recording to his chest.



Aren't you guys happy Kardac is alive, what a good pup to find George for Dream! It's Christmas break! Hopefully that means quicker chapters for y'all! Thank you guys for all the support I love y'all!!!

Stay calm, Stay alive

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