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"Doctor you must come!"
A few days ago the Doctor and Rose were in the year 200,000, planet Earth. They had made a few friends and even an enemy or two. ("It wasn't MY fault that he found bananas a sign of hostility Rose!") They had been invited to a party, the coronation of King Noble (I know, I know!) the 999th.
Rose was preparing. She had showered and put on a light-red-pink dress and matching white shoes. She wasn't stylish, just seasonal. The party was spring-themed. She wore a sort of flower-crown that consisted of real miniature... roses. She skipped up to the console room, waiting for the doctor.
The doctor didn't wear anything special, unless you count his pinstripe suit. He tried to comb his wild hair back but failed dramatically.
Rose and The Doctor made there way into the palace of King Noble the 999th to be greeted by flashing lights, screams of laughter, claps of hands and lots of noise. The doctor yelled to Rose, (the noise level was loud enough to break through the void!) "I'LL BE HERE IF YOU NEED ME! HAVE FUN!" Rose disappeared to mingle with the crowd. The Doctor leant against the wall, thinking. Deep-down inside of him he felt something. For Rose. He wasn't sure what it was. Affection?
Rose, who was loving this party, was heading back towards the Doctor, ready to go back to the TARDIS when a tall, muscular man bumped into her. "SORRY!" She shouted. "S' OK!" He replied, before grabbing her hand and taking her to a quieter spot. The Doctor was was not far behind.
As soon as they were out of the heated, ear-smashing room the man introduced himself. "John, pleasure."
"Oh I'm Rose." Rose replied, smiling.
"My favourite flower, the prettiest by far. But you are far prettier." He smirked.
"Thank-you" Rose mumbled, flushing red.
The Doctor was listening in.
"Oi! That's enough now!" The Doctor said.
"Doctorrrrrr I'm not yours you know." At this, the Doctor went as red as a Radish and hung his head,
"right, yeah, sorry"
"Who are YOU, unworthy man?" John said.
"The Doctor, hi," the Doctor replied.
"Rose and I have unfinished business, now off you go, go on!" John half-shouted.
"That's my friend you're with, don't touch her."
"I can do what ever I like, I'M THE BLOODY KING!" John roared.
"Weeeeeell, I am The Lord of Time." Stated the Doctor, before grabbing Rose and yanking her to the TARDIS.
"I-I-I um, well, um, I-"
The Doctor felt so- crushed.
"I may, possess, certain, um, feelings, well, not feelings, well, yes feelings, for... You." The doctor mumbled- facing the floor.
"YOU WHA- oh." Rose realised.
"You love me" she repeated him.

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