Chapter 6

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I know I haven't posted in a while. I have been so busy with school and work. I wrote this in an hour so please excuse all of the errors.

Also, I've changed Daniel's age from 2 going on 3 to 4 going on 5. It seemed to work better.

Please comment on my story. I want to know if you all actually like it. I feel like I'm writing to myself. :(

By the way, I poseted the picture of the house. it was the closest thing I could to that looked like the house I see in my head.


Chapter 6

When we finally arrived at the damn arena we were rushed to the back. We got there at 1:45 because Derrick had to stop at his house. Daniel and I were sitting in the back as Future got his mics and things put on him. It was 2:10; he was supposed to be on stage 10 minutes ago.

"Are y'all going to the front to watch the show or are y'all watching from the side?" Someone in the crew asked.

"Uhmmm, we'll watch from the side." I informed her.

The show started, Daniel and I watched from the side. Daniel was going hamn as Future started to rap his lyrics to "Tony Montana". It made me so happy to see my son look up to his father. I'd always wanted my kids to have a better relationship with their father than I had with mine's. As the song approached the chorus, I got a text. I looked at my phone, and didn't recognize the number. I decided to just open the message. I starred at the screen, hoping that the picture that I just saw was a joke. It was a screenshot of messages between what seemed to be fuck buddies. I couldn't say they were lovers because the text seemed too simplistic. As I read the messages another text popped up from the same number. I scrolled down to read it.

'Your husband has really been a good fuck!' was all it said. Just then I knew who it was. I knew he fucked that ratchet hoe. Talking about some "it wasn't even much like that"!

"Daniel! Come on!" I yelled grabbing at his arm.

"Ma, but it's you favorite song. The one you and Daddy sing." He whined, turning back to face the stage. Just then I heard 'Turn on the Lights' began to play. I froze when Future looked my way and made eye contact. This nigga had the nerve to smile. I rolled my eyes, and turned my head.

"Daniel Isaiah, if I have to call your name one more god damn time. I said come on!" I pulled his arm again, this time he followed.

"I no want to go! I wanna see Daddy!" He whined behind me.

"You'll see him another time!" I stressed. I unlocked my phone and called Derrick's girlfriend Di'Ana to see if she was at the concert.

"Hello?" She said calmly. By the calmness in her voice, and the quietness on her end of the phone I could tell she was either not there, or she was in the back.

"Di, I need you to bring me home. Are you here?" I asked. I was pretty much running up the halls, but I knew it was hard for Daniel to keep up, so I began to walk slower.

"Yea, I'm the dressing room. I got you come on." She agreed to take me home.

"Alright, we're right up the hall." I hung up the phone. I finally made my way to the dressing room where Di was standing with her purse and keys in hand.

"Why are you in a rush to leave? Your husband just started... what," she paused to look at her watch "all of 20 minutes ago?" She questioned.

"I'll tell you when we get to my house. Daniel grabbed your iPad. Don't leave a damn thing. Whatever you loose, mommy is not buying a new one." I informed him as I grabbed my purse. Daniel went to grab his iPad and his cup before he was ready to go. He was really upset that we were leaving early, but I'm sure he'll get over it.

We walked quickly to Di'Ana's car. We sped down the interstate in her silver four-door Porsche Panamera. I kept looking at the message the whole time. I was so mad. This message proved that he fucked her. I can't believe he would actually lie to my face like that. I was so hurt. My marriage was falling apart piece by piece in front of me.

We finally pulled up to my house. Di pulled up right behind my Escalade and parked. I got out and went to open Daniel's door. He was still upset. He hadn't talked the whole ride.

"Danny, I'm so sorry that we had to leave before the show was over." I apologized. He didn't respond, he just waited for me to unbuckle him and got out. He ran up to the front door where Di'Ana was already waiting for me to unlock the door.

I walked over to the massive front doors and unlocked them letting Danny and Di both go ahead of me. I walked in, closed, and locked the door behind myself. Daniel ran upstairs to his room before I could even say anything. Before I could even sit my purse down on the table in the Foyer, I got a call. I automatically knew who it was from, so I didn't bother to look at the screen before I answered.

"Hello." I answered the phone with attitude. I sat my purse down and walked into the living room to have a seat on the sofa.

"Kay, where the FUCK are you?" Future yelled through the phone. From his tone I knew he was pissed that I left.

"At my fucking house!" I answered back with even more attitude. Di'Ana was looking at me wondering what the fuck was happening.

'I'll tell you later' I mouthed to her. She shook her head and turned on the television.

"What are you doing at the house?" He was still upset.

"I got a text from your bitch. She informed of your fuck session!" I spat.

"The hell is you talking about Karlee? Your ass ain't making no fucking sense. You left my show

for no fucking reason, you took my son. I swear you on some other type of shit." He nagged.

"I wouldn't have to be doing all of this if you kept that fucking dick to your damn self. I can't believe you lied to me! You're just how my people said you'd be, nothing, but a dirty ass nigga. I can't believe I wasted my fucking life!" I spoke calmly, but everyone could sense the anger in my voice.

"KARLEE I SWEAR YOU FUCKING WITH MY NERVES BRAH! YOU GOING OFF FOR NOTHING!" He yelled through the phone. I had become so angry, I felt my body shaking.


"YOU ACT LIKE YOU AIN'T KNOW WHAT YOU SIGNED UP FOR!" He spoke the truth. I knew damn well that this shit would come one day. He was right, and I refused to let him win so I hung up the phone.

I threw my head back on the sofa and cried. When I lifted my head up, out of the corner of my eye I saw Daniel standing on side of the sofa crying. He'd heard everything. Damn, I fucked up!

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