Chapter 14

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I'm sitting here at this little private airport waiting for Nicki to come in. She flew down to hang with me although I couldn't do too much hanging.

"Karlee....."Nicki came and whispered in my ear,scaring the fuck out of me.

"Nicki for you to ever!" I turned around to face her.

"I'm sorry!" She flashed her award winning pearly white smile and flipped her long pink hair.

"Whatever! Let's go!" I couldn't help but to laugh.

We walked out of the airport with a young male employee carrying Nicki's luggage. When we got to my truck, I pressed the button to unlock the trunk.

"Be careful with my bags!" Nicki warned the man as he gently placed all of her luggage in the trunk of my Escalade. Once he finished, Nicki gave him a hundred dollars and we got in.

"Oh my gosh Karlee we haven't hung out in a while!" Nicki slightly pushed me as I pulled off from the curb.

"That's because your ass is always on tour or something." I rolled my eyes,but giggled.

"I gottah keep the Barbz happy boo! I haven't had time to do much of anything, but once I saw on Bossip that your ass was in the hospital I was deff taking time to come check on you!" She enlightened me.

"Awe well thank you boo!" I held my chest.

"Can we stop and get something to eat! I'm starving!" She whined.

"Alright!" I took the next exit off of the interstate and headed towards Downtown Atlanta. We rode around for a few minutes,until I pulled into the parking lot of a familiar restaurant.

"I didn't know they had a Copeland's in Atlanta. I thought that was just New Orleans!" Nicki got out the car, stunned about the New Orleans original restaurant being in the middle of Atlanta.

"I didn't either until Future took me here for dinner!" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm liking that jacket doll!" Nicki complimented me as we entered the restaurant.

"Thanks! I got it from Kandi's store!" I did a quick pose and continued in.

"Kandi, Toya's friend Kandi?"

"Yea her! You know her daughter is a huge fan of you. It would make her year if you passed by the store!" I kept talking as we walked up to the hostess' stand.

"Oh really? I can see what I can do."

"How many in the party?" The hostess asked.

"Two!" Nicki held up two fingers.

"Okay, follow me!" She led us to a circular booth in the back of the restaurant. "Your waiter will be with you all shortly!" The hostess informed us as she handed us the menus and left the table.

"So how's American Idol?" I asked Nicki as she browsed through her menu.

"The contestants are amazing. The judges on the the other hand..... I can do with out." She rolled her eyes at the thought. I knew exactly who she was talking about.

"It can't be that bad!" I joked.

"The bitch said I threatened to shoot her. Like does that even sound like me?" Nicki flipped her hair.

"It really doesn't, but you know she's a little throwed from the party last year!"

"Yea, how can I forget. She was really talking out the side of her neck!" We both laughed from the memory as the waiter approached our table.

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