XXX. Get Out

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(song: of the night by bastille)

I reluctantly get out of the car, terrified of what's to come.

"Ren, are you gonna be okay? Your dad looked pretty mad," Harry asked, his voice laced with concern.

"I don't know. We'll see."

"Ren," Harry grabbed my arm to stop me from leaving the vehicle, "Don't be so cryptic. If things aren't okay, call me and I'll come by and pick you up as soon as possible. Don't hesitate to ask me for help, okay?"

His regard to my situation made me feel a little safer, but I wondered how he assumed that things might be detrimental once I stepped inside the house. I agreed, and bid him goodbye and slowly made my way to the front door.

I apprehensively walked inside. This is not going to end well. My hands got clammy and it felt like my whole body was trembling in fear. What will he do? How mad is he? Is there a chance I can get away unscathed?

I walked in to see both of my parents sitting on the couch, staring at me with blank faces. Sweat seemed to seep out of every pore in my body, though I hoped they couldn't detect how nervous I was. Being fearful in any predator-prey situation is never beneficial. The people you fear can always sense that, and they always attack stronger knowing how unprepared you are.

Alec stood up from his seat on the couch. I stayed still in my spot, trying to wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans.

"Hi Florence."


"How are you? Did you have a nice day?" The questions were polite, but the manner in which he said them were discriminating, his face depicting that it was a trap. Don't answer him.

"You never came home last night. Can you tell me what time it is right now?"

"I-I don't know," I whispered.


"I don't know, maybe 8:00?"

"It's a quarter past eight in the evening. And can you tell me what time it was when you left last night?"

"Six forty-five..."

"Huh. That's interesting. So you mean to tell me, that it's been over twenty-four hours since you've last been home?"

"I-I guess."

He slowly inched towards me. I tried to move back.

"Don't move. Stand right there," he demanded in a calm but firm tone. I stood still and stared at the floor.

"Did you know that you made me look like a fool in front of your little friend's parents?"

"I didn't make you do anything," I mutter quietly, and immediately regret it. Where did that come from? Since when do I ever dare to talk back? Is it because I assume I'm free just because I own an apartment now? The problem is I don't live in it yet. I'm still in the Smiths' household. I can't talk back to them like that. Alec firmly believes in that as well, apparently, as he yanks my hair above my head. I wince and try not to make a sound. Showing either fear or pain never fails to makes it worse.

"Yeah? Then who was the one who told me she was spending the holiday with her boyfriend? Who let me believe that it was a whole family dinner where I was invited? Huh?" He pulled my hair harder and his voice increasingly grew louder.

"It was you who walked out of the room if I remember correctly. You walked away without denying the fact that we were having dinner with the Styles family. You know what you deserve?" He started shaking his hand, and evidently my head, with anger as he spoke. "You deserve to sleep in the goddamn streets for acting like that! For making me look like a dumbass! How do you think I feel about making an ass out of myself like that? You little bitch!"

Until We Meet Again // H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now