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(song: surrender by cash cash)

"Um, ah, yeah... About that..." I clear my throat, not sure where I should really begin.

"I'm not really mad at you. Like at all."

Harry's eyes widen a bit before he chuckles.

"You're kidding right?"


"W-what do you mean you're not mad? So you forgive me?"

"I mean I wasn't really mad to begin with. Well no, I was pretty mad for like, two days, but I got over it pretty quick."

Harry stares at me and it makes me a little nervous, but I keep explaining.

"I had three weeks to think about it, I don't really hold grudges for that long," I laugh lightly, hoping to get the same reaction out of him, but he continues staring at me dumbfounded.

"And then you were so willing to make it up to me, I thought I would have fun with it and play along to see how far you would go."

Harry's expression changes from confused to pissed as he glares at me. Uh oh.

"I didn't think you would actually do any of it though," I laugh again to lighten the mood but, yet again, my attempts fail.

"It was really nice of you to buy all those things for me though," I smile innocently at him. He looks like a time bomb that's about to explode any second now. Calmly, and very quietly, he speaks up again.

"So you mean to tell me that you made me run around a store buying you crap just to see if I would do it?"


"And that this morning when I talked to you, you were never mad at me?"


"And when I was practically begging for your forgiveness you had already forgiven me?"


He continues to stare at me and it's a little frightening because I'm not sure what to expect. I've never seen him get angry before.

"Wait a minute, so this whole thing was about me being rich, so you took advantage of that so I can buy you clothes?"

"Uh, yeah," I laugh at my ridiculousness. "I mean I can't afford new clothes and my parents would've never spent that much money on me even if they had enough--" I stop myself before I end up telling him my whole damn life story. Crap, why did I even mention the Smiths?

"Your parents can't afford to take you shopping?"

"No... They don't get much money." I try to choose my words carefully so I don't tell him anything about my family problems, it's too soon for that.

"I could buy you things if you want, Ren, you could just ask."

"Oh God no, I'm not gonna use your money like that. Well, except for today, but still. I don't need your money."

"I know you don't, but if you ever do you can call me." The look in his eyes is sincere and I just smile at him in response.

"So should I go return all those things I got today?"

"No, I want them."

Harry looks at me with disbelief but I can see the hint of a smile on his face. He checks the time on his phone and turns back to me.

"It's pretty late, should we leave?"

I sigh exaggeratingly loud before answering, "I suppose."

Until We Meet Again // H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now