XVII. I'm Sorry

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(song: trojans by atlas genius)

"I can't believe she would do something so stupid," Alec's voice snidely comments.

"You'd think she would think a little before doing something so idiotic like that. Does she really think we can afford for her to get into an accident like this?!" Marie replies, and I'm left wondering where I am.

But not for long, I'm not an idiot and I kind of remember what happened, so it's not that hard to assume I'm in a hospital.

I decide to leave my eyes closed, because although it's pretty torturous hearing your parents--who willingly adopted you into their family--talk crap about something you couldn't control, I want to hear what else they have to say. Maybe at some point they'll show some sympathy for their poor daughter who just got into an accident?

"She thinks she can just walk around without a care in the world!" Mrs. Smith continues with her rant, "We've spent the past fifteen years making money just for her and this is how she repays us?! Getting into a tremendously expensive accident when she knows we will never be able to pay our debt for this!"

"It's like she thinks money grows out of the damn trees!" Mr. Smith adds.

Wow, have I really caused this much trouble in their lives? I wonder why they never just put me back up for adoption or kicked me out if I'm such a burden to them.

I think the two of them continue their rants and complaints about me, but their voices begin to fade.

• • •

"I just don't understand," my mother sighs. Are they really still on this topic? I must have been asleep for hours, how much more did they have to say about me?

"Neither do I, Marie. It makes no sense."

What makes no sense?

"Who payed for her medical bills?" Mrs. Smith thought out loud. Someone payed for my medical bills?

"Could it have been Steve?"

"No, no, he doesn't make enough money to possibly pay for all this."

"Well she doesn't have any other friends, why would someone else pay for it?"

Ouch. Wait a minute. I do have another friend! (God I sound so lame, only having two friends.) I have Harry! And he's rich, it makes sense that he covered the whole bill. But why would he pay for it? Did Steve call him and tell him I got into an accident? He knows that Harry has money and that he cares about me to some extent, so he probably just called in for a favor. I feel so bad, though, I don't want Harry to think he has to pay for things like that for me.

Yet again, I helplessly fall back asleep, not able to fight to stay awake any longer.

• • •

"Ren please wake up soon," Harry's pleading voice reached out to me. He's here! Yay!

I try to open my eyes or say hello, but my efforts fail. What even happened to me? All I know is that I was crossing the street, a car hit me, it hurt like a bitch, I was rushed to the hospital, and then I woke up on this rather uncomfortable bed. Dear God, I hope I'm not in a coma.

"You should wake up soon, the doctor said it was only a concussion,"

Oh okay, good, it's just a concussion.

"But I feel bad about your broken leg."


"It's not as bad as it could have been, though, don't worry. You just need to wear a cast for a while, and be careful with your side 'cause you got a pretty bad bruise there too."

Until We Meet Again // H.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now