VII. Paris

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(song: rich girls by the virgins)

Harry's POV

Paris gives me her signature glare and doesn't hesitate to let me know she's angry.

"Harry where were you?"

"I was--"

"I just went to your house and you weren't there, Harry. What the hell?"

"I didn't know you were going to my house today..."

She scoffs at me and with every word that comes out of her mouth the more she gets on my nerves.

"You should've known I was coming over, I'm your girlfriend!"

What the hell? Has she always said stuff like this?

"How does that make sense?"

"You should've had an instinct that I was going to your house Harry! You should've stayed home and waited for me!"

"That does not make any sense Paris, if you wanna come over just call me and let me know and I'll be there, you can't just show up and expect me to know that you're there."

She rolls her eyes and mumbles "whatever" because she knows she's wrong and I'm right.

"Let's go do something Harry I wanna spend time with youuuuu," she whines and I nearly cringe; I hate when she does that. She stretches out the last word in almost all of her sentences and her voice gets higher than it already is, and after a while it just gets annoying.

"What do you want to do?"

"Hmm... We could go shopping! I need some new shoesss, I want new heels. Pink ones." I almost smile as I remember that's Ren's favorite color, pink. It's also Paris's favorite color. But the difference is that Ren likes a subtle pink and Paris likes the bright, obnoxious, neon kind. It hurts my eyes whenever she shows me her shoe closets. Why does she need three closets for shoes in the first place? 'So I have enough shoes to match all my outfits, I can't wear the same shoes twice!' Her voice rings through my head as I remember her response to that question.

"Can we do something else? I'm tired, I don't want to walk around the mall for hours." She would probably buy some Gucci shoes and waste all my money. I was trying to save it up so I could go and buy more records from Good Tunes but now that it burned down I don't know what to do until the store gets repaired. Maybe I'll take Ren out to help her feel better about the store. Yeah, that's what I'll do.

"Ugh. Whatever. Why don't we just watch a movie or something at your house?" she said with an annoyed tone.

"Yeah sure," I tried to sound interested.

I take her hand by reflex and we walk the short distance from the corner to my house. Or I guess others would call it a mansion. Now that I think about it, our house is ginormous. I think back to all the tiny houses I passed by when I walked to the park to see Ren. Some of them probably didn't even have a second floor. Why am I just noticing now how big my house is?

When we get inside, Paris is practically dragging me to the theater room with the big screen and rambling about some movies she wants to watch.

"So do you have it?"

"Oh sorry, what?"

"Ugh Harry I asked you if you have the movie 500 Days Of Summer. My friend said it's a really good movieeee." She pouted; her lips made a duck-like form and it looked really disgusting from the angle I was looking at her.

"Yeah I'll go play it, just sit down there," I point to a seat in the back of the theater and she obliges and sits down. At least she's good with orders and listens to me most of the time when I tell her to do something instead of fussing about it.

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