XVI. Accidents Happen

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(song: medicine by the 1975)

Harry's POV

Have you ever done something so incredibly stupid? Something that you would never forget no matter what? Something that will absolutely haunt your memory for the rest of your life? I've done quite a few stupid things, but never anything that stupid. Until now.

I think I'm still in shock, quite frankly. I'm surprised I can even think in full sentences. I'm such an idiot.

No matter how hard I try, the memory just won't stop replaying through my head. Every single detail. I wish I could stop.

It was an average day, at the start. I didn't do much in the morning, and I didn't want to bother Ren since I had been going to see her pretty much every day for the past week or so, so I stayed at home. It was such a relief to just sit at home doing nothing, not having to wear pants especially, and literally doing nothing.

Too bad my lovely day was interrupted because I had to attend my father's banquet. Or I guess I should say I had to get ready for his banquet.

Anyway, I got dressed two hours early because Paris was getting on my nerves over the phone about not being late and having to get dressed at that second, even though she hadn't even started to.

"And don't forget to pick me up later!" Paris squealed through the phone for about the fifth time in the past ten minutes.

"I told you I'll be at your place in two hours, you'll be ready by then, right?"


"See you," I ended the conversation before Paris had the chance to drag it on longer than I'd like.

"Bye, love you!"

"Love you too," I grumbled and shoved my phone in my pocket.

Since I had nothing else to do for the next two hours, I decided to go see Ren. I wouldn't have seen her for the rest of the day anyway, so why not?

The drive through town was short, I was listening to The 1975's album on my way. I found out about them yesterday and was excited to tell Ren about my discovery, especially because she's always the one showing me new music so I thought it'd be nice if I knew of a good band for once.

I was nearing an intersection when I saw Ren walking home. I just stared at her for about thirty seconds or so, admiring her beauty. She's such an awkward person at times, but she's overall pretty confident, which you can see by the way she walks. She's sure of herself. Ren is so effortlessly beautiful, I'm not even sure if she wears makeup. She certainly doesn't need any.

When she got to the corner of the sidewalk, Ren rummaged through her purse, probably to find her phone. I've noticed that whenever her phone starts to ring, she always rushes to answer it. I wondered why she did that. Was something important going on in her family that she needed to answer right away? Does she just not like leaving people waiting for too long? What possible reason could she have to answer the phone as quickly as she does? I wish I knew what went through her mind.

I wish I had been paying attention to the road.

Nothing will ever compare to what I felt in that moment. Nothing will ever make me feel okay about this. Nothing will ever make me forget the sound of Ren's blood curdling scream.


+ super short chapter, sorry! I'll double update today to make up for it, I just had to post this first :)

don't forget to vote, comment, and share! xxxx

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